Example sentences of "[pron] was [adj] [to-vb] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was pleased to see that in the 1992 World Cup team there were four Afrikaners in murg en beens ( in marrow and bone ) who had Afrikaans as their first language of fluency — Wessels , Cronje , Bosch and Sonald .
2 Yes , I welcome the substantial orders that have been received and I was pleased to see that in the past few days a number of them have come here .
3 I do n't like heroes , so I was pleased to find that on the way up to Gorffwysfa Norman fussed and worried as anyone might when faced with the return to climbing after a long break .
4 ‘ It may seem strange , ’ I agreed , ‘ but you see , I was surprised to find that in this country the Houys are the sensitive and intelligent creatures .
5 I was happy to find that in the scholarly ( 237 references in 1991 ) introductory chapter written by the editors most of the territory was familiar .
6 I was interested to read that in Japan half of all 16-year-olds reach a standard in maths which is reached by only 2 per cent .
7 In that debate I was able to say that in Croydon in 1991 there were more than 40,000 enrolments for higher education , representing 20,000 to 30,000 students .
8 We used the same old path , and I was amazed to realise that without knowing it I had been hurrying my children along and constantly looking over my shoulder .
9 When the three girls arrived she was surprised to find that in spite of their sophistication they were not much older than she was and as she watched them glide out in the first selection of fashions she felt a small prickle of excitement .
10 Under ordinary circumstances , Nurse Goodman would probably not have given permission but ‘ the Major ’ , as he had become known , was such a mystery that she was glad to feel that at least somebody knew of his fate and cared enough to come to the hospital to see how he was getting on .
11 It was easy to see that in reality the tables were old and stained with coffee rings , the seats cheap and plastic , the magazines tatty and two years out of date , and the strange , tropical foliage too glossily green and perfect not to be artificial .
12 ‘ Obviously it is possible to stay cheaper than the price we quoted , but we felt it was impossible to show that in our leaflet , ’ said Clydesdale marketing director Stuart Laing .
13 It was necessary to show that at least some of them might have been first acquired through the will , in order to satisfy a desire , or to relieve a disagreeable sensation .
14 It was interesting to note that as the election results came through , political commentators were readily able to offer a viable explanation : ‘ Labour made no headway in Battersea due to the local authority , plus change in electorate profile ’ .
15 It was interesting to note that in Wester Ross 62% of the farmers grew potatoes .
16 It was interesting to note that in each of his previous six lives , which ranged from the fifteenth century to the late 1890s , Martin had been given the opportunity to be a ‘ teacher ’ .
17 Checking his purchases against her list as he approached the checkout , he was pleased to find that at no point did the two coincide .
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