Example sentences of "[pron] was [adj] [prep] all the " in BNC.

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1 I was tired of all the conversations I had had that day and wanted to glamorise my life .
2 Last night was really the night I must value — the night when I was aware of all the gifts Amantani has borne me .
3 ‘ I 'm frightened of horses — but I was aware of all the rumours about me being ‘ difficult ’ to work with , so I got on the horse to avoid causing any problems .
4 I saw ships and all manner of boats , and I was surprised by all the greenery just below the window .
5 I was disillusioned with all the experts who 'd been predicting one thing or another ; they obviously did n't know any more than anybody else .
6 W we still seem to debate certain things three , four and five times they creep their way through to the main committee and full council and I have to say that the point in para B about the report we 've been sent not recognising the reduction in local er government responsibilities it it is it 's a bit rich , because our response to that report does n't recognise that when I first arrived here Chairman we had the education department which was responsible for all the schools , six colleges of further education , college of art , college of agriculture , the teacher training college at and a major polytechnic .
7 The second exception is where the statute creates a public right … and a particular member of the public suffers … particular , direct and substantial damage other and different from that which was common to all the rest of the public .
8 But if she did not love him , if she was contemptuous of all the things they 'd had … that was unbearable .
9 Their teacher , Sue Hewgill , of the Dance Studio , at Polam Hall School , said she was delighted with all the girls ' results .
10 Although she was reasonably sure that Harry was still in love with her , she was concerned at all the talk there had been about him marrying the American girl .
11 Sweetheart appeared oblivious to their stares , but Frankie knew she was aware of all the eyes that turned in her direction as she sat with her legs crossed and her head lifted proudly .
12 and er I do n't think that was a good idea because she was lonely without all the
13 Well , undoubtedly , there was first of all the love of position he was after all , the ra , the governor , he was the representative of Rome and he loved his position !
14 His violent defence of the primacy , though it was contrary to all the forward-looking governmental ideals and interests of the Church as a whole during his later years , is his nearest approach to a consistent political policy as archbishop .
15 ( 4 ) It is hereby declared that a person shall not be entitled to rely on the defence provided by subsection ( 1 ) above by reason of his reliance on information supplied by another , unless he shows that it was reasonable in all the circumstances for him to have relied on the information , having regard in particular ( a ) to the steps which he took , and those which might reasonably have been taken , for the purpose of verifying the information ; and ( b ) to whether he had any reason to disbelieve the information .
16 It was evident to all the family that Stephen Lassiter still loved Tamar and that she , too , was happy .
17 But when the City of London emerged as the last centre of strength for the Whig opponents of royal policy at the beginning of the 1680s , it was asked by a writ of quo warranto to show that it was entitled to all the powers it had been exercising .
18 He was involved in all the things like Greenpeace , cruel sports , protection of birds , that sort of thing .
19 He was responsible for all the painting that was done on our aircraft and er he did a real good job on it .
20 He said he was surprised at all the things that
21 He was full of all the gossip and rumours , most of it picked up from the ships he visited and seamen he talked to .
22 ‘ He made sure he was up-to-date with all the collections but his favourite was coins .
23 He was distressed from all the moving , so it was kindest to put him down , ’ Steve said .
24 He is a union member and he was aware of all the advantages of belonging to a union but somehow for a long time it never occurred to me how to get it all started , how it was possible .
25 It is suggested that the reaction would be sufficient to alert the defendant to the fact that others may regard his conduct as insulting ; that is , he was aware of all the facts by virtue of which the tribunal of fact comes to the conclusion that his conduct was insulting , and that is sufficient .
26 He said he was scared about all the girls he 'd miss going out with , stuck with one girl .
27 Wittgenstein ( 1968 , pp. 31–32 ) , exploring the philosophy of language , posed the question of what was common to all the things which we call ‘ games ’ :
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