Example sentences of "[pron] was [verb] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was looking for some short-cut to getting a complete description of who you are .
2 We were just walking away , and I was looking for some sort of rubbish container in which to put the bag of icing sugar , when we suddenly heard all those sirens going , and saw masses of policemen running into the park .
3 They do n't occur at a uniform rate , but there 's nothing in Darwinism which implies that they should , but I was looking at some data on radiolarians recently in which about every sixty thousand years there 's a population sample — I mean you can estimate and see the rate at which this stuff is building up — and in no occasion in a period of sixty thousand years did the population change by more than about half a standard deviation .
4 Now I was looking through some brochures about erm productions of Romeo and Juliet , I have n't found one yet that 's on before May .
5 I was compensated to some extent by the magnificent scenery .
6 I responded as usual by smiling slightly — sufficient at least to indicate that I was participating in some way with the good-humouredness with which he was carrying on — and waited to see if my employer 's permission regarding the trip would be forthcoming .
7 " I was thinking of some others too , " I said .
8 I was hoping for some money , as I was saving frantically to buy the owl for myself .
9 As I said , I 've done dozens of talks now at various schools , but one that sticks in my mind is a private preparatory school for girls in Tavistock , where I was received like some sort of pop star !
10 " I was delayed to some extent because the address given to me was 626 Cheyne Walk , which I could not find , but eventually the river police directed me . "
11 I already knew it was n't a good idea ; I could hear the tone of my voice rising higher and higher as I spoke the sentence , and that was always a sign I was getting into some sort of verbal mess .
12 The things I find so tragic , and I was talking to some girls erm in a sixth form college recently , and the thing that I find saddest is that the schools evade the issue .
13 At the moment erm the way that we use computers is , of course , to use a keyboard , but I was talking to some people today who 've now developed and you can buy it , erm a system on which you can write on what you want to say , so that as long as you print fairly clearly you do n't have to learn any new typing skills .
14 I asked him what he thought of Magritte the other day , and he thought I was talking about some girl in first year .
15 Then I was put on some sort of medication to help me calm down because I kept on getting knotted up , getting uptight .
16 One memory stands out — the sound of a child crying which I heard when I was walking past some flats .
17 I was about to say , Harry , that I was accused by some friends last night of being sanctimonious .
18 I was working on some shoes on the table , and Will picked one up and looked at it .
19 I had the idea for this design one day when I was working on some embroidery .
20 Looking at all the brightest and best on display in Birmingham , I was reminded of some comments made in the early '80s by the late Gordon Brown , then head of design for GM 's European passenger cars .
21 of which he violently disapproves and which was written by some cunt
22 I noticed in recent years these practices becoming more lax , which was supported in some ways by both students and staff , who felt an increased sense of freedom .
23 Robert had been called up in the First Militia , as it was named , the beginning of National Service which was to continue until some years after the war ended .
24 Both appeared in the technical educational psychology press , which was read by some teachers ; both were cited in the journals which were read by most teachers — the TES and the journal of the Association of Education Committees , Education .
25 Delegates including Western human rights activists and diplomats attended a human rights conference in Tehran on Sept. 9-12 , which was described by some commentators as an indication of the Iranian government 's desire to end its international isolation .
26 Officials at Japan 's Ministry of International Trade & Industry now say that they 're tired of quibbling over market share figures with the US , and say they do n't intend to allow the US to establish a new market share goal in upcoming semiconductor talks , which will begin in Hawaii next Tuesday , the Wall Street Journal reports — ‘ Because there was a controversy over the old 20% figure , which was taken as some form of commitment , we have no intention of referring to any new numbers ’ Koji Matsui , deputy director of the industrial electronics division of the Ministry declared .
27 As Wilson mentions , she had recently had a harrowing shock , so it is possible that she was hallucinating in some way and that , by chance , her hallucinations corresponded approximately with historical reality .
28 She was in pain , but she was taking it out on a complicated Fair Isle jumper that she was knitting for some nephew in Canada .
29 If we printed details of the case it would make her identity too plain to the authorities but suffice it to say that she was detained with some others for celebrating a ‘ banned person ’ — Nelson Mandela .
30 The prototype of the new Fast Afloat Boat 3 ( see pa 90 of this issue ) carried out her first service on 29 May while returning from Salcombe to Weymouth , where she was based for some days for familiarisation trials .
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