Example sentences of "[pron] is important [verb] that a " in BNC.

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1 It is important to remember that a government 's power can and normally does quite properly extend to people who do not accept its authority .
2 It is important to remember that a very confused person lives just in each moment , the ‘ now ’ , even if they do n't remember what happened five minutes ago .
3 It is important to remember that a very large percentage of jobs never come on to the open market but are filled from within the firm , by people applying ‘ on spec. ’ or by people who hear about a vacancy from friends or colleagues working in the same field .
4 It is important to remember that a standing structure such as a church can be read in the same way as an archaeological section : features cutting into or overlying others can be used to construct relative dating relationships .
5 It is important to remember that a classic type of restraint of trade clause frequently mentions two quite separate time periods .
6 ‘ Moreover , it is important to realise that a commitment to animal welfare is consistent with striving to improve the overall condition of those individuals who have a welfare , both humans and other animals , even if this means decreasing the welfare of some .
7 It is important to appreciate that a stable instrument reading does not necessarily indicate a stable flight condition .
8 It is important to realize that a deal 's merits should not be judged solely on the size of the advance and the royalties being offered .
9 It is important to realize that a normal co-ordinate analysis is almost always an ‘ under-determined ’ problem mathematically .
10 Now , it is important to say that an intelligent expression of faith will still convey some sense of uncertainty .
11 First and foremost , it is important to accept that a narrow employment-based focus is inadequate .
12 It is important to note that a presupposition of this sort of sampling is that each stage is composed of similar sub-units so that sampling at each stage will not result in unrepresentative samples .
13 However , it is important to note that a theory of innate human sociality is not a reductionist theory .
14 The Indian presence in far flung outposts of the Empire , for example , from Malaysia to East Africa , can only be understood in this context , and it is important to note that a tradition of emigration from Jamaica had already developed in the nineteenth century , with 2,000 Jamaicans migrating to build railways in Panama , followed by well over 80,000 who went to work on the first attempt at constructing the Panama Canal in the 1880s .
15 In this respect it is important to note that a common sense view will be taken , requiring something akin to : ‘ knowledge of dramatic events , major happenings and things that which will transform the company 's prospects . ’
16 It is important to note that a void charge still remains valid against the company and there is no reason why the chargee should not take steps to enforce it .
17 It is important to note that a company must itself maintain a register of charges which is more extensive than that maintained by the Registrar of Companies ( since it covers all charges irrespective of type ) but failure to register a charge in it does not invalidate the charge .
18 It is important to note that a mosaic can be considered at more than one level — and conceivably at all levels — of affinity .
19 Moreover , it is important to note that an SRO may modify or waive the core rules ( on a case by case basis ) in order to adapt them to the circumstances of a particular firm .
20 Although much of the racism that black job-seekers experience is of a direct and overt kind , it is important to recognize that a variety of indirect forms of discrimination also operates against black people in the search for employment , ranging from common employers ' practices like recruiting relatives and children of existing workers to the operation of particular conceptions of the ‘ good ’ worker which militate against the employment of workers thought to be different in manner or appearance ( Lee and Wrench , 1983 ; Blackburn and Mann , 1979 ; Jenkins , 1986 ) .
21 Historians have correctly pointed out that to understand the kind of exchange that took place between Huxley and Wilberforce it is important to recognize that a major social transformation was taking place in which the clergy were losing their domination of the intellectual life of the nation .
22 It is important to recognize that an identical project promoted at the present time would not offer good value for money in comparison with a new-build scheme .
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