Example sentences of "[pron] is more [adj] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 Then there 's ‘ JC Auto ’ , which is more wired than a plug factory and finds Mould screaming ‘ JESUS CHRIST !
2 I use Glodex glazing plastic ( from DIY stores ) which is more rigid than a commercial condensation tray , and also does not discolour if used under a hood fitted with light bulbs .
3 No one is more vicious than a person who has something to hide , so this made their strange behaviour more understandable to Jane .
4 In other words , a market economy is an efficient way of producing wealth ; the reason it is more efficient than a planned economy in which prices are not competitive is that prices do not convey this information .
5 it is more private than a hearing in the civil courts — the press and public are not entitled to be present
6 Being buffeted around the sky at 10,000 feet with an engine just inches from your ear is not the most comfortable way to fly , but it is more interesting than an anonymous 767 .
7 I also prefer it because I believe it is more sensitive than a link-leger and gives me a better chance of hooking fish .
8 But it is more likely that a physical restraint influenced the swirling liquids — just as bad weather cyclones and hurricanes are anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise south of the equator of spinning planet Earth .
9 It is more likely that a valuation will not be required before , for instance , a later disposal of the asset by the transferee .
10 It is more likely that a letter to ‘ Anna Payne ’ will get a response than one simply to ‘ the personnel manager ’ .
11 It is more likely that a family will lie somewhere on the continuum between these positions in its behaviour patterns .
12 Indeed , it is more likely that a small child will attempt to command an adult than the other way around .
13 It is more likely that a kid will die than reach sexual maturity at three years old .
14 Since the working class is most affected by these constraints , it is more likely that a characteristically rural working class will develop than a distinctly rural middle class .
15 It is more likely that a high-level package will be identified initially , and then after some investigation this will be refined to one or more lower level packages .
16 It is more likely that a high-level package will be identified initially , and then after some investigation this will be refined to one or more lower level packages .
17 If the mother denigrates her husband , it is more likely that a boy will become particularly anxious ( Wolff , 1983b ) .
18 Although the itching may be due to the movement of the louse over the skin , it only moves a maximum of six inches per day , and it is more likely that an allergic reaction is set up to the lice themselves or to their faeces .
19 It has been suggested that now that unions ( and not merely officials ) may in certain circumstances be liable in damages for unlawful industrial action it is more likely that an employer will pursue his claim to a full trial and there is less reason to refuse an interlocutory injunction in trade dispute cases ; but it has also been said that the ‘ right to strike ’ is a valuable ( indeed essential ) element in the system of collective bargaining and that it ‘ should not be rendered less valuable than Parliament intended by too fanciful or ingenious a view of what might develop into a serious issue to be tried . ’
20 This is one of the Enemy 's favourite tricks : nothing is more convincing than a half-truth joined on to a lie .
21 Perhaps you saw the Shell poster with the headline : " Nothing is more dangerous than a wet Zebra . "
22 Very sensible of Hilda : nothing is more ridiculous than an old-age pensioner gabbling on about his or her risqué past .
23 In this , nothing is more important than a core of energetic teachers with an interest and commitment to such related trends as those of RBL , study skills , information handling and integrated thematic approaches .
24 Believe me , when you are hungry , really hungry , so that your stomach clings to your backbone , nothing is more tasty than a succulent rat or a well-roasted leg of cat ! ]
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