Example sentences of "[pron] is the [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 His is the priority over everything , and in him all things hold together . ’
2 Her island trip that year was to Pa/1ros , perhaps the most successful that she ever made : -it is the setting of her story ‘ In a Different Light ’ .
3 Our other two forms of personal document are both retrospective : the written autobiography , which we consider here , and the recorded oral interview , which is the subject of our next chapter .
4 I know that my hon. Friend will understand that I can make no comments about the merits of the proposal which is the subject of our debate or about the case for calling it in for determination by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State .
5 In the book I found a Spanish proverb that runs , No se ganó Zamora en una hora — ‘ Zamora is n't reached in an hour ’ , which is the equivalent of our ‘ Rome was n't built in a day ’ .
6 ‘ The voice which is the voice of my poetry , without imagination , can not be heard ’ — which is a nice snub to the critics , but could , I suppose , be used to justify any amount of bad writing .
7 With the arms lowered , which is the position in which many implements have to be picked up , the available lift is 4,446kg ( 9,780lb ) .
8 And we know what the Iraqi government would like , which is the release of their money frozen here since the Gulf war .
9 Like a wound too , it has to be allowed to bleed , which is the function of our tears .
10 For the sake of this example , say she writes 1978 which is the year of my daughter 's birth .
11 Well , the legislation in Britain , the first law which is the law from which our present wages councils for people like hairdressers came from erm was passed in nineteen oh nine , and it was because we had a reforming Liberal Government at the time .
12 quiet cathedral city , the county town of Wiltshire near to which is the village in which Mr Pecksniff lives .
13 Raskolnikov is young , preoccupied and merely puzzled — ‘ young , abstract and therefore cruel ’ , the severe voice of the novel descries him elsewhere — but the reader attends in tragic wonder , for he understands that Marmeladov has indeed nowhere to go , a nowhere which is the finality of his loose end , at once in character , at once personal to the selfish selfless rationale of one man 's marriage and his other circumstances , personal to his ‘ destitution ’ or ‘ extremity ’ or ‘ misère ’ ( nishcheta , which he is careful to distinguish from his poverty ) , and at the same time an objective and transpersonal theme running through all Dostoevsky 's work .
14 This latter measurement was taken from the distal end of the sphincter up to the respiratory inversion point , which is the level at which the end expiratory pressure changes from a positive to a negative deflection .
15 The Republican Clubs , which is the name under which Official Sinn Fein fights elections , called for the establishment of a democratic socialist republic for all Ireland .
16 James Scott in his Railway Romance and Other Essays observed : ‘ It is mainly the human interest to be found in and about a railway station which is the secret of its fascination . ’
17 This is obviously much less than the comparable figure of half a billion , which is the factor by which the histone H4 gene after natural selection is more accurate than a typical secretary ; but it is still a very impressive figure .
18 Which is the question of what you feel when you 're in the field out there trying to work something through .
19 The battle between the Prime Minister , the split indeed between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor which is a re-run of the appalling split between her and Nigel Lawson which is the origins of our present problem , is something that must be brought under control .
20 During the eighth century the Vikings invaded and eventually controlled the area , which is the origin of its present name , Sutherland , the Viking ‘ South Land ’ .
21 Camus 's admonition — that if man needs bread and housing ‘ he also needs pure beauty , which is the bread of his heart ’ — is buried under reinforced concrete .
22 Cruttenden 's data also tend to confirm that congruity has a greater effect when it is paired with gender cue , which is the condition in which it would seem , a priori , to be less useful .
23 I hope I have given some idea of what a single neuron with its trigger feature and projective zone an accomplish , and now I must explain a bit about the neocortex , which is the stage on which neurons perform to bring about higher mental processes .
24 However , division has a fundamental advantage , which is the reason for its good performance : no two records in any single section into which the key sequence is ‘ cut ’ by division can interfere with any other in the same section , because no two different numbers can have both the same quotient and the same remainder .
25 But , if Aquinas is right , they do not act intentionally , intending a goal which is the reason for their actions .
26 The word I have here glossed as " mankind " was Jinghpaw , which is the term by which the people known to the British as Kachins describe themselves .
27 When steering by moving the rig forwards or backwards we are moving the CE either side of the daggerboard , which is the fulcrum about which the board turns .
28 It is an aspect of metaphysics , which is the study of what we are justified in believing from first principles .
29 The new , lively version is much more in keeping with the young , sexier image of the show which is the key to its increased ratings .
30 Now , is it not possible that it is this rule which is the explanation of our referring to the feelings produced in our bodies by prolonged contact with hot or cold objects , as ‘ hot ’ and ‘ cold ’ ?
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