Example sentences of "[pron] is the [noun] of it " in BNC.

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1 For example , I might decide the angle of light on my desk is not as I require it on the basis of assessing the illumination and the lamp which is the source of it .
2 What hits you is the force of it , moving .
3 I happened to believe that it was important that they protected this week in the international calendar for Britain , especially as in two or three years time , there is the possibility of it being moved to a time when , in theory at least , it ought to be easier to attract top players .
4 Erm , I recognise that erm , within the report it does state erm , that there is the cost of it , and erm , and in Lancashire it may have cost three million pounds etc , it does n't say what it specifically was .
5 FLOORS Wherever there is water or liquid , there is the danger of it ending up on the floor and causing you to slip .
6 Rolle is emphatic that " ryghtwysnes " is not in the discipline itself , but it is the fruit of it , a state of inner freedom untouched by the constraints of outward circumstances : He recognises that the will to effect such inner effort has to be awakened — drawn — that it is the response to goodness in men and in Christ , and to the joy of heaven , which starts to work man 's salvation .
7 This enormous gift that , despite all the trying things that went with it , Phoebe had received ; this capacity to look at a thing and know that , because it must be done , it is the doing of it that brings freedom and salvation .
8 Ask yourself what such a story is about , what is the kernel of it .
9 What is the purpose of it all ?
10 What is the significance of it ?
11 And what is the sign of it though ?
12 The properly educated student will ask of him or herself : not only ‘ is that so ? ’ , but also ‘ what is the point of it ? ’
13 What is the point of it all ?
14 If a ban makes no difference , what is the point of it ?
15 Yeah but what is the point of it ?
16 do we have to conclude from if it was a play about the Cold War , what is the conclusion of it ?
17 And what is the make of it ?
18 Is this really the intention of the UN sanctions and , if so , what is the reasoning of it ?
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