Example sentences of "[pron] is [prep] [art] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 One is on the parents charter , one on further and higher education in England and one on further and higher education in Scotland .
2 It is depressing to hear from a leading Unionist , Ken Maginnis , how little faith there is in the talks process , without a fundamental change of attitudes .
3 I hope it will be agreed that those who think that the tax law is justified do so partly because they believe that there is in the circumstances imagined a reason voluntarily to contribute a sum which is equivalent to a just tax .
4 There is in the patients charter a clear commitment that patients should be seen within a maximum of two years .
5 Now you can see how easy it is with the numbers to make mistakes especially if you 're multiplying by tens or hundreds or thousands or looking at , trying to just look at a bit of it , oh that 's just , oh hang on is that seven or is that seventeen ?
6 It is for the humanities to speak up for the value of retrospective conversion , and for some national planning to be undertaken to achieve this , as they , and to some extent the social sciences have most to gain from such an investment .
7 If the principle does exist that tax paid on a demand from the Crown when the tax was the subject of an ultra vires demand can be recovered as money had and received then , in my view , it is for the courts to declare it .
8 No clear principles determine the allocation of disputes to these bodies although the greater the element of discretion and the more important the policy considerations , the less likely it is for the courts to take on the new area of responsibility .
9 Lord Justice Browne-Wilkinson said that it is now apparently accepted that it is for the courts to decide whether a privilege exists and for the House of Commons to decide whether such privilege has been infringed .
10 Although in the past the courts and the House of Commons both claimed the exclusive right to determine whether or not a privilege existed , it is now apparently accepted that it is for the courts to decide whether a privilege exists and for the House to decide whether such privilege has been infringed : see Erskine May on Parliamentary Practice , 21st ed. ( 1989 ) , pp. 147–160 .
11 It is for the courts to construe those words and it is the court 's duty in so doing to give effect to the intention of Parliament in using those words .
12 It is for the courts to interpret those words so as to give effect to that purpose .
13 It is for the justices to decide in each case whether these criteria are met .
14 It is for the Justices to say what is to be done .
15 The test is clearly an objective one , in the sense that it is for the magistrates to say after the event whether or not what the defendant did was reasonable .
16 It is for the councils to determine how they distribute funding , but the Bill gives the councils wide powers to be used in support of students with special education needs .
17 It is often said that alcohol is ‘ the only little pleasure that old people have ’ , which may be true to an extent , but if drinking becomes a problem then it is for the individuals to decide how much of a pleasure drinking is , and whether they want help to stop .
18 Sociologists who use such documents have to ask themselves whether the evidence therein is authentic , whether it is complete , how representative it is of the experiences described , whether it is distorted by the personal bias of the writer , and why it was written .
19 Certiorari quashes a decision which is found to be invalid because it is outside the powers granted to the court or tribunal ( ultra vires ) , or has been given in proceedings in which the principles of natural justice were not observed , or where there has been an error of law on the face of the record .
20 He is perfectly clear that it is in the terms provided by this framework that we are able to answer any ‘ limited ’ question about the causes of particular phenomena .
21 It is against the results produced by these procedures that the theories can be assessed .
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