Example sentences of "[pron] is [adv] [verb] [that] in " in BNC.

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1 Barthes 's S/Z brings the reader into particular prominence first in its concept of the scriptible that calls for active involvement on the part of the reader in the production of the text ( which is not to forget that in Critique et vérité Barthes had already described the critic as someone who has actively to produce a meaning for the polysemic text ) ; and second , in its thoroughly intertextual view of literature .
2 The way people talk over here is pure poetry and nobody is really using that in songs so I thought I 'd have a go . ’
3 It is rarely appreciated that in Bishop 's day , a Trifle was not a nursery pudding squashed anyhow into a common fruit bowl , but built up into a pyramid in an elegant stemmed glass compote dish .
4 It is not realised that in the seventies property crash only three major quoted property companies failed , Guardian Properties , Town & Commercial and Amalgamated Investment & Property .
5 I hasten to point out that it is not envisaged that in the UK police officers themselves shall be trained to use hypnosis , as in some states of the US .
6 It is not proposed that in every case a single indicator will suffice for a concept on every occasion , and it is not suggested that in every case an indicator will fully represent the concept it is to " stand for " .
7 It is not proposed that in every case a single indicator will suffice for a concept on every occasion , and it is not suggested that in every case an indicator will fully represent the concept it is to " stand for " .
8 It is not anticipated that in many cases it would be necessary to seek an interdict .
9 As we have already indicated , it is generally assumed that in future there is likely to be a further reduction in the proportion of people of pensionable age who will be earning currently and hence adding to the gross national product as the latter is now calculated .
10 It is generally assumed that in the absence of methodological artifacts visual laterality effects in normals arise either because one cerebral hemisphere is relatively inefficient at processing or retrieving the stimulus material presented and/or because one hemisphere can not fully process the information and has to send it across the corpus callosum to the opposite hemisphere .
11 It is generally accepted that in order to watch over an executive , the system of supervision has to be constructed in parallel so that information about the salient issues is extracted at the right time and the process of scrutiny is based on this information and takes place when the decision is still open .
12 It is generally accepted that in the related tort of nuisance , an occupier can sue in respect of his personal injuries and the same was established in the tort of cattle trespass .
13 It is generally accepted that in order to succeed on a plea of unreasonableness it is not necessary for the covenantor to show that the covenantee had acted oppressively .
14 It is generally felt that in the past local authorities have dragged their feet in taking on their responsibilities to care for mentally disordered people , and the Minister of Health , Roger Freeman , outlined further plans for this group to Parliament the day after Secretary of State Kenneth Clarke 's speech on community care ; these were , clearly , some last-minute additions to the government 's package of proposals .
15 It is generally recognised that in any large complex organisation , management must delegate some authority because :
16 It is thus recognised that in her parents-in-law 's home a girl is completely vulnerable and any resentment against her parents may be taken out on her .
17 These factors led to a pattern of ‘ top-ten ’ thinking It is repeatedly stated that in each major industry sector — and in the world electronics industry itself — only ten or so world players will survive .
18 It is even suggested that in the United States the routine exposure of the population to radionuclide release from coal burning in that country could be significant and possibly comparable with the effects from nuclear power ( Wilson et al. , 1980 ) .
19 It is well established that in the delinquent-prone , home discipline is more liable to be too lax , strict or erratic .
20 It is well established that in certain cases a trading corporation may bring a suit in respect of an imputation on its trading reputation , and I see no reason why a non-trading corporation should not have the same rights as respects imputations on the conduct by it of its activities .
21 It is well established that in the ultimate the right of the individual is paramount .
22 It is well known that in the Constituent Assembly , only the women are valiantly defending our sovereignty and protesting against foreign intervention …
23 It is also recorded that in the early 18th century ‘ Edwin Calvert , gentleman , apparently died of alcohol poisoning at the age of 17 ’ .
24 It is also emphasised that in applying accounting standards it is necessary to be guided by the spirit and the reasoning behind them , as set out in individual standards and in the ASB 's Statement of Principles for Financial Reporting .
25 It is also said that in times when Russia has need of strength in battle , these horses will awake their masters and carry them to where they are needed .
26 It is also reported that in 10 WFS countries of Sub-Sahara Africa , the proportion overall of babies dying within the first month of life is 50 per cent higher and that post neonatal mortality is 25 per cent higher where the mother was under age 20 than where she was 20–29 at the time of the birth .
27 It is usually said that in the voice from heaven at the baptism of Jesus we have an example of the bath qol .
28 It is often assumed that in cost behaviour there is only one independent variable .
29 It is often suggested that in Italy the general public is more receptive to the idea of mental hospital residents returning to live in the community .
30 It is sometimes said that in the light of the historical tension between Umayyad Damascus and Abbasid Baghdad , things could hardly have been expected to turn out otherwise .
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