Example sentences of "[pron] is [verb] for [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her eleventh novel , Gwendolen , has just been published and she says that for the first time she is writing for her soul .
2 She says in her calm , posh voice that this is fine , and continues to stir the curry she is making for their evening meal .
3 Eubank , who is preparing for his defence against American Ron Essett at Manchester 's G-Mex Centre on April 25 , said : ‘ Two million pounds is my price and I am not open to negotiation . ’
4 Unlike most earlier films on the subject , such as the American ‘ Longtime Companions ’ , which were primarily pleas for compassion , a film can now show an AIDS victim who is denounced for his duplicity .
5 There is one sporting knight in today 's list , John Smith , the chairman of Liverpool Football Club , whose is rewarded for his service as chairman of the Sports Council .
6 Dutch water , gas and electricity distributor , Energie Delfland NV , Delft , has signed for UK , Cambridge-based Smallworld Systems Ltd 's geographical information system which it is to use for its Atlas project management and distribution system running on Sun Microsystems Inc workstations .
7 Borrowing from the public is more or less finished , perhaps it is finished for our lifetime , but at any rate it has been finished for the last ten years or so ; you may get in a bit one year but you lose it again the next year .
8 It is valued for its ability to milk off poor grazing and for its polled factor , which is passed to all first-generation crossbred offspring .
9 He is banished for his crime , she kills herself , and the Roman monarchy is brought to anend .
10 In the upper section he is prepared for his beheading and there is a fine Salome ; below , in the vase of the pulpit , the saint preaches and baptizes Christ in the River Jordan .
11 He is waiting for his friend .
12 He is remembered for his period as a Labour MP ( 1964–70 ) partly because he introduced dehydrated mashed potatoes into the Commons kitchens .
13 Everyone is thanked for their attention , their loyalty and their cooperation .
14 A pound related to genuine market conditions is surely what is required for our balance of payments .
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