Example sentences of "[pron] you [verb] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 send a message by telephone ( or telegram ) to … ( specify person ) which you knew to be false for the purpose of causing annoyance ( or inconvenience or needless anxiety ) to the said … ( or to … or
2 At work you are told to do tasks that are not part of your job , including operating machinery which you believe to be dangerous .
3 It 's a good idea to write down all of the incidents concerning your boss which you believe to be unfair .
4 K ap is true because in the nearest worlds in which you are sitting reading you believe that you are sitting reading , and the nearest worlds in which you are not sitting reading are either worlds in which you are standing/kneeling/lying reading or worlds in which you are sitting knitting/watching TV , etc. , but not worlds in which you happen to be asleep dreaming that you are sitting reading .
5 Geoffrey 's only qualm is Indipau , he says if Indipau I 'll come with me I 'll go , I says well do n't worry about Indipau , Indipau can look after himself , he says yeah but I like Indipau , I says yeah , but lets face of all the other kids in your class who you gon na be sorry to leave , he said none of them , I said well there you are then .
6 But what you have to do is actually realize that Jesus died for you you have to be sorry for all the things that you 've done wrong and you need to ask him to come into your life and to be your own saviour .
7 The only thing that 's ever wrong with saying something you believe to be false is that you do it in order to mislead someone whom you think will believe what you say .
8 But if you do get one you have to be careful you get one that 's done to the proper standard because some do n't work apparently .
9 Everybody you talk to is poorly .
10 To our philosophy teacher , Professor John Macmurray , I owed the perception that my chosen trade was a treacherous one if what you looked for was strict objectivity .
11 " That 's what you get for being public-spirited . "
12 ‘ Is this also what you meant by being psychic ? ’
13 Quality : Do not say what you believe to be false .
14 These principles are expressed as follows : ( 13 ) The co-operative principle make your contribution such as is required , at the stage at which it occurs , by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged ( 14 ) The maxim of Quality try to make your contribution one that is true , specifically : ( i ) do not say what you believe to be false ( ii ) do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence ( 15 ) The maxim of Quantity ( i ) make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purposes of the exchange ( ii ) do not make your contribution more informative than is required ( 16 ) The maxim of Relevance make your contributions relevant ( 17 ) The maxim of Manner be perspicuous , and specifically : ( i ) avoid obscurity ( ii ) avoid ambiguity ( iii ) be brief ( iv ) be orderly In short , these maxims specify what participants have to do in order to converse in a maximally efficient , rational , co-operative way : they should speak sincerely , relevantly and clearly , while providing sufficient information .
15 It may be hard to stand by and see your grandchild subjected to what you believe to be wrong methods of mixed feeding , potty training or general discipline , but you have already had your chance to bring up children .
16 The fact is that what you pay for is instant accuracy — but not really convenience .
17 Now , one of them will rotate to the right , one will rotate to the left what you need to be able to do is to identify the condition that will give that give rise to optical isomers , in other words , to be able to say yes , that molecule will have optical isomers .
18 It 's got you need to write a hundred words or less what you want to be older and plans for the future .
19 cos I thought what you talk about is such a load of bollocks and he looked at me madly , and I thought oh how funny , I thought .
20 In the left column , put what you consider to be all the main points made in the book .
21 All you have to do is put the qualities for the Man of the Nineties listed on the coupon in order of what you consider to be important , from one to six .
22 And some people think that this matters : that when it 's wrong to mislead people — which it usually , if not always , is — then it 's not quite as bad if you can manage to do it without actually saying anything you believe to be false .
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