Example sentences of "[pron] that there [be] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have nonetheless determined to deliver a short judgment because it seems to me that there are lessons to be learned from this case which , I am told by Mr. Tyzak , is the first case to come before this particular bench under the Children Act 1989 .
2 Jane , of Bradford , said : ‘ I visit the graves often and the thought came to me that there are people in desperate situations needing help . ’
3 I 've never found that a congenial notion ; it seemed to me that there were ways to be quite contemporary and yet go at the art in a fashion that would allow you to tell complicated stories simply for the aesthetic pleasure of complexity of complication and unravelment , suspense , and the rest .
4 ‘ Why did n't you alert me that there was trouble between you and your boss ?
5 Do n't let anyone persuade you that there are rules about using video that you must n't break .
6 Between these walls , Carrington , I will pledge to you that there are plotters in high places , and as an indicator of just how high , I will add that Lord Halifax himself is possibly among them .
7 I still had the suit on — and Fly 's glasses if I needed any props — so I got a ‘ that 'll do nicely ’ sort of smile and the up-from-under look which tells you that there are advantages to private medicine .
8 I mean I can tell you that there 's water in the pipe if you 're thirsty , but you need to go to the pipe with a glass and turn the tap on in order to er not to be thirsty any more , in order to receive the water .
9 I remind him that there are examples of states coming together — as they have done in the Common Market — but then having to co-exist so closely that they can not stand the sight of one another and begin to fall apart .
10 This power existed where , as the statute provided , it appeared to him that there were reasons for doubting whether the trade union members , in taking part in industrial action , were acting in accordance with their own wishes .
11 The 7th Earl decided in the early part of the twentieth century to install in the two rooms the panelling and so designed it that there were recesses for pictures .
12 This is a good argument for it should warn us that there are degrees of potential not all of which are automatic claims to fame .
13 They are , moreover , a warning against complacency , their existence in our midst reminding us that there are quarters in which ( hard as it is to accept ) we ourselves would be considered foreigners , too .
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