Example sentences of "[pron] i [verb] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ People in football will understand — Lennie Lawrence told me I needed to be superhuman to perform in that atmosphere .
2 I made use of their terror for my own amusement , and raising my voice still more , I shouted at him whom I assumed to be present , lying invisible in some corner …
3 Well , I I need to be sure on this .
4 However , I would also like to remind him that I wrote in response to a report which I assumed to be factual .
5 And the remaining difference which I estimate to be one thousand five hundred , is really the I think is the difference in the treatment of students .
6 The distortion on the unit , which I expected to be awful , is actually very good , although I do n't think it quite lives up to Ibanez 's claim that the unit could serve as a preamp , when linked to an amplifier .
7 I wanted to choose for myself , yes , but I also wanted to escape into a world of certainties , which I knew to be unreal while desperately wanting to believe that it might have some reality .
8 This overt intervention in our lives was experienced by me as entirely beneficent , so I find it difficult to match an analysis of the welfare policies of the late forties which calls " the post-war Labour government … the last and most glorious flowering of late Victorian liberal philanthropy " , 6 which I know to be correct , with the sense of self that those policies imparted .
9 Erm with without a new settlement erm that that was indeed the the impression that erm I was left with as well , and what what we 've sought to do in in the evidence that we 've we 've put before you is to take the nine seven , nine thousand seven hundred figure in Greater York , and and er s based on the data supplied by the County Council to demonstrate that that actually when one looks at outstanding commitments erm with planning permission , identified the sites er without planning permission , those those that are allocated in local plans , making suitable allowances for small sites erm windfall sites and conversion , erm the the residual figure that is left in Greater York , which I calculate to be eight thousand six hundred and thirty seven , once one has taken away completions , which I think is an agreed figure between nineteen ninety one and nineteen ninety three of one thousand and sixty three , that erm , those existing commitments , and the sites likely to come forward , ma virtually match the figure for the outstanding housing requirement , so so one is left with a view that erm from from the data that 's put in front of us that there is n't a residue of that size to accommodate , although I accept that there may well be a residue of some sort , erm and it seems to me that the established Greater York erm framework , er is is the process by which that is distributed around the counties along the lines that the discussion 's proceeded this morning .
10 And now that it is 8.58 pm and I have done fifty-eight minutes of work , which I deem to be more than enough for one night I am signing off , because , I 'm lazy .
11 If I say ‘ Prostitution is on the increase ’ I express my belief that it is on the increase , but what I put upon the mat for discussion is not my holding the belief , but rather the state of affairs , which I hold to be actual , but which others may not , of prostitution being on the increase .
12 ( All matters which I judged to be vital and contemporary ! )
13 If many of Hewlett 's correspondents felt as Mrs Lowndes did , this explains why Hewlett 's letters as edited by Laurence Binyon ( 1925 ) make such unexciting reading ; she herself records that of the three hundred letters printed by Binyon there was only one ‘ which I felt to be characteristic of the man I knew so well ’ .
14 The first tends to refer mainly to the military context which , while obviously important , is not what this book is about ; and the second is clearly state-centrist , and does not fully convey the scnse of hegemony where it does not directly involve the state , which I take to be crucial .
15 From her rises that familiar scent which I take to be human .
16 This portion of the ocean 's surface was also inhabited by storm petrels , but of a distinct species from any I had hitherto observed , and which I believe to be new to science .
17 I hate the idea that only the well-to-do will have the possibility of instrumental teaching ; it refutes everything I believe to be just .
18 Keeping some sort of balance is something I suspect to be close to the corporate heart of Switchboard , though usually unspoken .
19 Anyway , I met Salinger in London to go over the story with him and confirmed those parts of it I knew to be true .
20 Yes , I want to leave early tomorrow , because I 'm , I 'm not going to rush for a train , I do n't want to be caught thinking oh the last train to Stow Market goes at four o'clock and I 've got to run for it I got to be prepared to miss the train .
21 Now that 's what I mean about being dishonest .
22 W what I go for are two major points I think which actually demonstrate the fallaciousness of this budget that has been proposed to us as an amendment .
23 I was glad to find the original material in what I took to be splendid condition , still clearly bearing the marks of the sculptor 's chisel .
24 I sat with a cup of coffee on my lap , still half-asphyxiated by what I took to be Neapolitan warmth .
25 I found what I took to be high water mark with my feet rather than my eyes .
26 This is not justice ; it is not even a theory of morality , since it rejects a consideration of what I take to be central to moral theory , the sense of each person being a member of a community with , inevitably , obligations and duties to others , as well as rights .
27 I have merely tried to unravel what I take to be some of the main underlying oversimplifications which have informed educational practices in the field of ‘ race ’ and education , whether state-led or self-consciously oppositionist .
28 What I , and I having heard the director , what I want to be clear about , is that any decision which relates to closing local schools on , on economic grounds comes to the full county council , and is , is not dealt with by education .
29 This book collects together what I consider to be some of the major unsolved mysteries of science .
30 My friend has his own sauna and spends what I consider to be excessive amounts of time in the sauna cabin with temperatures over 80 degrees centigrade .
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