Example sentences of "[pron] the [noun] [adv] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As an example , we may consider observations made in a channel of which the dimensions gradually change with distance downstream from 12·7 × 76 mm to 12·7 × 228 mm ; the consequent drop in speed reduces the Reynolds number ( based on the smaller dimension ) from a value at which the flow is turbulent to one at which reverse transition occurs .
2 The second is ‘ Welcome the Asian Games ’ , the international event scheduled long ago for September 1990 which the authorities both welcome as an opportunity to demonstrate normality and fear as a possible platform for dissident protest .
3 The events leading up to this have been much studied in the development of the Dipteran puparium , in which the quinones apparently arise by oxidation of a phenolic substrate N-acetyldopamine , itself derived from tyrosine ( Karlson and Sekeris , 1966 ) .
4 Taking into account the problem raised in ( i ) above we make the formal Definition 1.6.1 ( i ) A polynomial with coefficients in Q is simply an infinite sequence unc in which the ai all belong to Q and in which all the ai are equal to 0 from some point onwards .
5 But companies can also borrow from banks using a wholesale money market , in which the banks also borrow from and lend to each other .
6 He knows perfectly well what the rules here have to be . ’
7 Snuff are what the Manics sneeringly refer to as ‘ a T-shirt band ’ — meaning a group of young southern Englishmen forever willing to amble about in Transit van land and getting the occasional play on rubbish indie radio shows that nobody with any taste listens to .
8 The ergonomist will begin his investigation by the consideration of what the personnel actually do in their jobs which have emerged and been refined by practice and personal preference rather than design .
9 Find out what the customers really think about your products and services .
10 The club has spent too many seasons in the Second Division and what the fans still talk about is the Fairs Cup win over 20 years ago .
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