Example sentences of "[pron] a [noun sg] [coord] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Using all his cunning arts he forged himself a blade and wove it round with deadly enchantments .
2 Then you 'll lovey , let's get you a book , read you a story and pop you in bed , mm ?
3 But because Mrs did that work with you yesterday you did not do your history work , so I 'm going to talk to you a bit and ask you some questions about the tiny bit we talked about to do with Roman Britain and how the Romans invaded Britain two thousand years ago .
4 Then they frisk you and give you a dressing-gown and tell you to go into a cubicle and strip off and wait .
5 They charged you a fortune and left you with nothing but a hopelessly constricting grid .
6 He 'd give you a visit and put it in his book and you 'd do the same .
7 Right we 're going to give you a tray and ask you to sort the finds out .
8 I was about to write you a note and stick it on your windscreen .
9 Ask me a question and engage me in conversation or make a statement that applies to me .
10 As I handed my music to the organist , I shook so badly he bought me a brandy and made me drink it .
11 We were playing in France , in a place called Cognac and this kid came up to me , gave me a guitar and said he would really like me to test it for him .
12 Are you going to read me a story and show me your bedroom ?
13 ‘ He game me a bit of a shoulder into the body which flew me a bit and got me rather p— .
14 He sent for Marko and told him , " You must plant me a vineyard and bring me wine from it in seven days .
15 Just do me a favour and let me go ! ’
16 ‘ The only problem is , my car is going in for a service , so maybe you could do me a favour and give me a lift there ?
17 He hands me a billy and suggests I get some snow for water and a few twigs to start the fire .
18 But John gives me a wink and passes me through .
19 ‘ Did you ring to give me a lecture or have you got something you want to discuss ? ’ she asked impatiently .
20 No , in my hand cut me a jack and give me two .
21 Redundancy and a wrecked career as a forgotten man seemed inevitable until right out of the blue Graham Taylor threw me a lifeline and persuaded me to join him at Aston Villa .
22 They keep saying they 're going to find me a house and say they 're going to buy me one .
23 I walk with a frame so Karen gave me a hand and took me round and introduced me to people . ’
24 If you are , then give me a ring and tell me why .
25 Look Ralph erm if , if you do n't mind me saying can you remember if you do this could you just give me a ring and say it 's done , if not Sid come down in the morning .
26 Surkov lit me a cigarette and placed it between my lips .
27 Did any News reader obtain one and would they sell me a copy or allow me to pay for a loan of a negative ?
28 Journalists just pop them a question and let them get on with it .
29 It was absolutely no good just giving them a sketch and expecting them to expand on it using their own initiative .
30 , so he left it all open and I kept finding rolled up socks and of course there 's in the bottom of the airing cupboard where the tank is , and to pick them up and give them a shake and put them back again .
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