Example sentences of "[pron] and go [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We had barely finished congratulating ourselves and going round with the good news when Mrs Maddock 's little boy from the post office ran to tell us it had been torn down .
2 First , do we really accept that a man in the act of undressing suddenly decides halfway through that he will hang himself and goes up to the garret without his boots on to carry out the terrible act ?
3 As he passed Jenny 's door he paused momentarily , but shook his head at himself and went on down the stairs .
4 His liking for convivial company , found only in the male-dominated bars of New Jersey , a throwback from his forebears of County Cork , eventually forced them into a difficult matrimonial situation from which he occasionally evacuated himself and went off on a drifting reconnaissance of the world outside .
5 I just stay there , squatting down and the woman gives me a funny look and tugs the little girl 's hand and they walk round me and go off down the road .
6 He squeezed them and kissed them and went off into the house .
7 And his mother promised him so to do ; and then he departed from them and went out against the frontier of the Moors .
8 She craned forward to look more clearly and saw it was Michael Swinton 's man , Punch , and that he was putting his horse , a great mangy thing , at the walls of the fields and leaping them and going on to the next as if he were steeplechasing .
9 On every channel earnest-looking men with maps and pointers , looking like war-gamers in some fiendish Pentagon basement , demonstrate — predict , even — the inch-by-inch path that the storm is taking , noting that it usually passes off to the north , but may perhaps curve back upon itself and go in for a second strike .
10 " I ca n't just drop everything and go off on a picnic . "
11 During breakfast , when the guest left his room key and tag unattended at the table the criminal replaced the room key with a false one and went up to the room to complete his business undisturbed .
12 I was determined to see it and I pulled away from him and went up to the box office to pay my penny , hoping he would follow .
13 She moved away from him and went over to the couch she had taken her ease in the last time she 'd been in this room .
14 She 's seen him and went in with the electric bill and he , he bought hundred and sixty pound in stamps .
15 She turned from him and went out of the room , across the hall and pulled open the front door , which she did n't bother to close behind her , so angry did she feel .
16 Nikos took pity on him and went out into the corridor and called for Yussuf .
17 I stepped round him and went back to the house .
18 She left him and went back to the landing to listen .
19 Gathering himself , he dismissed her and went down to the waiting car .
20 Kee saw her and went out of the house , down the wooden steps and into the garden .
21 Eventually I left them to it and went off into the night , the bells keeping me company through the streets .
22 Sara left her to it and went out to the kitchen to begin the dinner .
23 His fingers were bloody and in his eyes there was such despair that I could not stand it and went out into the filthy courtyard ’ .
24 Dalgliesh left him to it and went out into the passage .
25 I pushed the black case deep into the hanging space again , stood up outside the door , closed it and went back to the scenes of jollity to the rear .
26 I had to excuse myself and go out of the room , or I would have collapsed laughing at the doctor 's reaction .
27 I do n't want to ring the bell on myself and go back into the classroom just yet . ’
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