Example sentences of "[pron] and [vb past] [pron] into the " in BNC.

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1 I gave Becky to them and lowered myself into the water .
2 Lady Macleod received the travellers in ‘ a stately dining-room ’ , fed them and led them into the drawing-room for tea to meet the family .
3 Vitor removed his sunglasses , folded them and slid them into the top pocket of his jacket .
4 The players took the numbers in the score where Toscanini had lost his temper with them and entered them into the lottery .
5 A pack leader saw the police in hot pursuit , called six Sturmabteilungen to him and led them into the stadium .
6 Even as he hacked his way free more tentacles looped around him and dragged him into the filth .
7 Juliet hugged him and sent him into the garden .
8 A very spruce maid welcomed him and showed him into the Bishop 's drawing-room .
9 He put his arm around her and led her into the room , and Maggie got up to go .
10 She made a grab for her shirt but Felipe took it from her and flung it into the back .
11 ’ We stopped her and took her into the back room where we found she was n't fat at all .
12 He took her room key from her and slid it into the lock , and she felt suddenly breathless .
13 He had out-planned her , outmanoeuvred her and backed her into the proverbial corner !
14 She sucked her teeth , took another ticket down at random , glanced at it , crumpled it and tossed it into the disposal by her left knee .
15 And why should the palm be so thickly clotted , almost as if another 's hand had lifted it and smeared it into the blood at the throat ?
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