Example sentences of "[pron] says [pron] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I says what was wrong with you not on a corporation t er a corporation bus ?
2 No , I says to her , I says Saturday , I says er if you get stuck , I says we 're supposed to be going to see his nan into Ashley House up anyway , I told Bill I says , eh !
3 Four British Muslims freed by Saddam Hussein from captivity in Iraq , have just arrived back in England , the wife of one of them says she 's overjoyed at the news .
4 ‘ I have a document from the orphanage which says I am responsible for Natasha while she is in England and that she will return to Sarajevo for the school term , or when the war ends .
5 She says we 're happy to be in England but we are sad for our relatives .
6 She says she is open to a book on any theme and would be looking for stories to reflect the multicultural nature of society , where this is appropriate .
7 She says she is open to a book on any theme and would be looking for stories to reflect the multicultural nature of society , where this is appropriate .
8 She says she 's good for another 10 years , even though she 's 39 .
9 She says she was used to lots of shelling going on around her .
10 She says she was supposed to be bring the money .
11 She says it is dark after 4 p.m. , so she ca n't let her children walk home .
12 Kelly herself says it 's great to be going home .
13 Now the doctor who 's cared for her says she 's well on the way to recovery .
14 He says they 're concerned for his safety — it 's not a natural thing for him to do .
15 He says they 're safe in the right hands but you still have to be careful .
16 He ignores a , a lot of things that go on but even he passed comment the other the other week when we was at bingo when we were coming out he said er he says she 's horrible to Sam that sometimes !
17 He says she 's scared by household clocks .
18 He says he 's proud of her .
19 Christine said , ‘ He says he 's sorry about his deafness , it 's because he 's so old . ’
20 He says he 's sorry for the families .
21 He says he 's interested in building up a representative collection of primitive and tribal art , but when we tell him the best place to look is in his own back yard , as it were , he tells us he does n't want Abo art , ’ James said , trying unsuccessfully to pronounce the last two words of his sentence with what he imagined was an Australian accent .
22 And he says he 's full of beans .
23 But he says he is unavailable for New Zealand , at least until the World Cup .
24 He says he is prepared to be proved wrong — suggesting he would raise his offer if DRG produced a higher valuation .
25 He says he was delighted with the aunt 's response and now he and his wife Diana are preparing the papers for an adoption .
26 Like many other primary school teachers , he says he was stunned by the level at which the specimen paper had been pitched .
27 He says he was close to death at the weekend but his condition has improved a little .
28 Even now he says he was surprised by the appointment , which caused him to make himself unavailable for the British Lions ' tour of South Africa .
29 On one occasion he says he was ill for three weeks , until his friends prayed for him and he recovered that very day .
30 Yu was vice-president of engineering and vice-president of business development at Everex from 1986 to 1991 and Lau was previously treasurer and vice-president of operations at Everex , where he says he was instrumental in the development of the Abaton and EMAC Macintosh divisions .
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