Example sentences of "[pron] place [prep] [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 I took my place at the top of a walkway between the orchestra , the curtains opened and a lush sigh from the string section led the intro of ‘ Memories ’ .
2 Sarah resented me , even my place at the head of the table , and gave orders to the servants over my head .
3 my place within the people of God ( in the local church , house group etc . ) .
4 Still a device was invented to cover up the disappearance of an old landmark ; and at the accession of Her present gracious Majesty , she was unlawfully proclaimed by a new title ‘ Head of the Commonwealth ’ , subsequently legalised by the Royal Titles Act 1953 , against which I am proud to recall that I protested in my place in the House of Commons .
5 Then it takes its place over a period of time within the wider teaching of the principles , planning and practice of worship , enabling the ordinand to explore the theological and practical importance of music in an appropriate context .
6 Richard Chauncy tore down this house , and built the one which stands in its place at a cost of £20,000 between 1747 and 1752 .
7 Sport resumed its place at the centre of male culture providing familiar landmarks for private lives , giving a kind of chronology or structure to the year .
8 Its place at the centre of government thinking was re-emphasised in April 1939 when the RCM was told that , henceforth , each guarantor would have to put up a deposit of £50 to support the cost of a child 's re-emigration .
9 this has got costs back on to a sensible basis , and he is convinced that this assures the Company of its place at the forefront of the european industry .
10 In Suger s case , this power was given sharper focus by its place at the apex of the terrestrial hierarchy ; for , as he had learned from the presumed patron of his monastery , Pseudo-Dionysius , this was the proper ordering of earthly political authority .
11 As I am aware that to remove it from its present location would leave an unwelcome gap in your own display , may I suggest that , if you are willing to lend it , we supply you with a full-size mounted or framed photograph of the original to take its place for the duration of our exhibition ?
12 It takes its place among a range of other aids we use quite regularly , so we have to decide what its strengths are .
13 Its meaning is defined by its place within the network of signifiers and signifieds : by its differences from the others , and by what it excludes .
14 Its place in the system of the quasi-nominal forms and its relation to the present and past participles is diagrammed as : This diagram can now be made more precise insofar as the infinitive is concerned .
15 If a particular human is capable of handling the proper aspects of a gadget , which must include mental knowledge of its place in the Machine of Evolution , then it is possible to use it as an aid , but as there are increasing numbers of gadgets being invented and marketed , so the human brain has no time and space to see these in relation to its own life/thought scale because , upon being born , the human is thrown immediately into a multi-armed and legged wrestling match with levers , wires , buttons and switches and fails to grasp the meaning of it all , being occupied totally in rushing to partially master the use of one before the marketeers rush in faster with 10 new gleaming diversions .
16 We must also give music its place in the crown of the arts .
17 He savoured the office , its history and its place in the scheme of things .
18 Even now Miles could feel the great Whale approaching , assured of its destiny , its place in the scheme of life .
19 It is here , in fact , that I have one reservation about Beverle Houston 's article , around her use of the term , ‘ desire ’ , and its place in the formation of the television subject .
20 In 1985 work on behalf of refugees took its place in the statute of Amnesty .
21 There , it seems , the talk had become surpassingly outrageous , and by the time the brief visit came to an end , it was assured of its place in the folklore of the Poole family : John Poole was still recalling it half a century later .
22 Although Switzerland had no part in them , the two World Wars left their mark , but when the conflicts were over , Zurich quickly resumed its place in the forefront of the world 's business and cultural affairs .
23 Modernism certainly had its place in the destruction of the ancien régime , but it is only one particular form of social change and has recently been most conspicuous in its failures .
24 He had taken her place at the eyepiece of the instrument .
25 She rose quietly from her place at the side of the table and went out of the room .
26 Good-naturedly , she took her place at the end of the line and when Ernest was satisfied with the arrangements , he said : ‘ Watch the birdie ! ’
27 SOUL singer Whitney Houston yesterday cemented her place in a galaxy of stars going back 40 years with this year 's Christmas No. 1 .
28 When the Queen takes her place in the Church of Christ the Cornerstone tomorrow , it will mean much more than the dedication of another place of worship .
29 On silent feet , she returned to her duties , mindful of her place in the order of things .
30 FORMER Welsh international Caroline Hughes of Llandegla , booked her place in the semi-final of the mixed doubles in partnership with Ian Preston at the North Wales Open Tennis championships in Prestatyn yesterday .
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