Example sentences of "[pron] came to [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was after ten o'clock when I came to consciousness of the world about me again .
2 One long blast on the whistle from Mr. Windust and everyone came to attention on the spot with not a sound to be heard .
3 Milton preferred many aspects of the religious , and perhaps even social , programmes that the more radical groups which came to prominence during the Commonwealth favoured .
4 Rather , certain elements of the written narrative — its ability to mix different modes of discourse and to create logically impossible situations — will be foregrounded to the detriment of elements such as unity of point of view which came to narrative with the invention of print .
5 One , the friend of the new French Prime Minister , Georges Bidault , had apparently been told that he could not concede the fundamental issue of independence ; for the other , who was to succeed Ho on his death , and for the large and varied delegation which came to Paris under the title of the Popular National Front ( Lien Viet ) everything , practically , turned on the question of Cochinchina .
6 Following the case , several doctors expressed concern at the information which came to light during the trial ;
7 This was confirmed by a handwritten journal kept in 1945 by de Fonblanque , which came to light during the trial of the libel action in 1989 , in which the entry for 21 May reads " Toby Low departed on leave , not to return , and I became BGS " .
8 NINE-EIGHTEEN is the name of the Italian company which came to Ferndown for the British Women 's Open and sold designer golf shirts and T-shirts such as we have never previously seen , even in the tented village at The Open .
9 The progressively more inward-looking and doctrinaire views of Zhdanov which came to pre-eminence within the Soviet Union from 1936 onwards paradoxically encouraged in France the development of a communist " national " literature not overtly preoccupied with Soviet orthodoxy .
10 Adding to these the 431 children sponsored by Inter-Aid in the months before Kristallnacht , the 700 or so who came to Britain under the auspices of Youth Allyah , the 100 orthodox children rescued by Rabbi Schonfeld and the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations , and the Polish and Czech refugees saved by Nicholas Winton and his friends , brings the total to well over 10,000 .
11 Why , one might ask in reply , did Anderson never develop stories that engaged with just these issues , even when Joseph Losey , an American who came to Britain in the early 1950s as a refugee from the communist witch-hunts , could deal with them in an assignment for Hammer .
12 He was the son of James Six ( 1695–1743 ) and his wife Ester , daughter of Louis Ducaufour , and descended from the Huguenot refugee families who came to Britain in the sixteenth century and settled in Canterbury , where they engaged in the silk-weaving trade .
13 An inspector who came to Durham at the same time as myself to read Law and the Sociology of Law , found the latter course required a move to concepts outside normal police experience .
14 This effort , as far as the administrative machinery was concerned , was initiated by the French advisers who came to Spain in the early years of the century with the first Bourbon king , Philip V ; later it was encouraged by Choiseul , who saw in the effective mobilization of the resources of his ally the means to defeat England and lay the foundations of a Franco-Spanish world power .
15 One man who came to Aswan at the Queens request , was a youthful-looking Frenchman with a shock of curly hair and a slightly puzzled expression behind his glasses .
16 Though the operation of the principles embodied in these generalizations is borne out by the vast majority of the careers of scholars listed in the biographical dictionaries who came to maturity after the beginning of the sixteenth century , both generalizations require some degree of qualification .
17 The Caribbeans who came to London in the main waves of migration in the 1950s and early 1960s were not on the whole from the lowest social classes , although " the employment made available to West Indians was mainly menial and often of lower status than the jobs they had left behind them in the West Indies " ( Dalphinis 1991 : 46 ) .
18 A child who came to school at the age of five dirty and smelling of urine would never be able to benefit from the experience of school if , as a consequence , she were shunned and rejected by her classmates .
19 He and his wife were Turkish-born Jews who came to Palestine before the Second World War .
20 It was designed and begun by Matthias of Arras , who came to Prague in the 1340s from the court of the Popes in Avignon .
21 The number of kings who came to grief in the fifth century is staggeringly high , and this must have had a deterrent effect on kings who contemplated taking initiatives .
22 In doing so they helped to create resentments against the Masai in the minds of those who came to power in the post-colonial state .
23 Libyan politics has been dominated for over two decades by Col. Moamer al Kadhafi who came to power in the military coup of 1969 [ see p. 23569 ] .
24 The patient had been living before she came to London on the outskirts of a town in Bangladesh .
25 She came to Salzburg to the festival but refused to let anyone put themselves out for her ; I was enormously impressed by how kind and unassuming she was .
26 The mother was far from satisfied with this approach and she was cross during the course of the hearing , I am told , and evidently decided to take the law in her own hands and on 3 July she came to England with the child and she has been here ever since .
27 I believe that was the reason she came to England with the Wingfields . ’
28 J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. , 1972 ) she tells of her first meeting with the composer , of his influence on her technique and interpretation , of how she came to terms with the music , of Plante and other virtuosi , and gives a detailed analysis of various pieces .
29 It emerged that he was not a match for her strength , ability and intelligence and , in time , she came to terms with the reality that she was better off without him .
30 She came to terms with the computerized till , which often she had to deal with .
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