Example sentences of "[pron] as [adj] as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You know I 'd give my right arm to have someone as good as you to model for me !
2 She was surprised to see it was covered by a thick mat of soft fair hair — somehow she 'd have expected someone as blond as him to have smooth , hairless skin .
3 ‘ He told me that all his life he was such a shit , and he finally realized he could make someone as happy as he made me , ’ recalls Joey .
4 We should be in the habit of asking questions of ourselves as much as we ask them of others .
5 In similar fashion the expansion of European sovereignty overseas , which as much as anything marked the onset of the modern age , was attended by substantial accessions of gold .
6 ‘ Are you as experienced as I think you are ?
7 And perhaps they love you as much as I do — almost . ’
8 Yet I offer to you as much as I possess , and so much as old age has left me , with the utmost satisfaction , as being at least a testimony to the instruction and delight that I have received from your marvellous invention .
9 I think I love you as much as I love him . ’
10 ‘ If a girl returns it to you , good and well ; though a jeweller will not give you as much as you paid for it .
11 Was she as old as he 'd thought ?
12 Assume for example that Ford and General Motors between them are in a position to buy up the Great Lakes and pollute them as much as they desire in order to reduce the costs against such an action .
13 If I had a storehouse full of confidence , I would gladly give each one of them as much as they needed .
14 I needed them as much as they needed me and I happily took the rough with the smooth .
15 When its predominant position was restored , the party faced new challenges as the increasing interdependence of industrial society made influential groups realize that the party needed them as much as they needed it .
16 This terrifies them as much as it terrified your committee on your behalf .
17 Perhaps it was for this reason that I hated them as much as I resented menstruation itself .
18 It 's funny to look back and think how much my mum enjoyed having the ducks around — she encouraged them as much as I did .
19 ‘ But because they were so busy with their business , he did not see them as much as he wished .
20 And when the press come bothering , just tell them as little as you need .
21 Can he find me as repellent as I find him ?
22 School and university still had n't changed me as much as they had ; maybe even the rest of my life could never compensate for their formative effect .
23 Unfortunately at the end , I discovered the band were not with me as much as I thought .
24 But his questions were at once crucifying me as much as I knew they were of help .
25 You could argue it was n't his fault that Clare was killed — or that she did n't love me as much as I loved her — and I 'd have to agree .
26 " I thought he loved me as much as I loved him . "
27 Mr Essex says music is a two-way thing : ‘ My pupils inspire me as much as I inspire them . ’
28 Before I 'm finished you 'll want me as much as I want you . ’
29 ‘ You mean you want to be alone with me as much as I want to be alone with you ? ’ he enquired .
30 I imagine that many honest people would sympathise with Weatherhead and happily echo his final paragraph : ‘ All this gives me as much as I need , and seems to me the essential credo of Christianity .
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