Example sentences of "[pron] 'm go [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I may just do that — I 'm going to call the Consul General right now ! ’
2 I 'm going to call the New York Times . ’
3 And if you 're not out of here in five seconds flat , I 'm going to call the police .
4 Just now and again when they do get , you know , just past you , you just have to say now look go or else I 'm going to call the police , and they go .
5 I 'm going to call the engagement off . ’
6 I 'm going to open the door and listen . ’
7 I 'm going to open the door , ’ said Sam , striding forward , since her hope that it would be the boy from the bistro was greater than her fear of retribution .
8 No I 'm not : first I 'm going to wander round Bristol and try and get myself a job , then I 'm going to persuade the manager to give me an advance of a few pounds so I can get myself something to eat and find somewhere to stay .
9 And er I said I 'm going to pick the papers up , he said get back into bed
10 As Owen 's lawyer , I can promise you that I 'm going to sue the socks off the drunken driver who caused that terrible accident , ’ he vowed firmly .
11 I think I 've suggested the problem now , and now I 'm going to leave the parties to think about would be a need for expansion , expansion involves built developm think I 'll under the circumstances I 'll give you er the the normal time , and I will adjourn now until two fifteen to have a chance to think about that .
12 And I said I 'm going to leave the fire on and er Mark 's here and he 'll switch it off at night .
13 ’ ’ I 'm sure I 'm going to leave the ground and float up and hit my head on the ceiling , and all the time the voices are call ‘ DO IT DO IT DO IT … ’
14 I 'm going to light the candles , ’ Betty said , ‘ so do close the door or the moths will fly in . ’
15 I 'm going to reverse the family honour , ’ says his brother .
16 And of course ’ Oh no ’ , I says to my mother , ’ I not going to out in advertising , I 'm going to join the forces ’ .
17 I 'm going to watch the end of Neighbours anyway .
18 I 'm going to paint the living-room .
19 But I 'm going to put the evidence in front of you and ask you to decide for yourselves .
20 I 'm going to put the A on it this time .
21 I 'm afraid I 'm going to put the blinds down again , or do you think ?
22 I 'm going to put the Rover lights on .
23 As Robert prepared a syringe he said , ‘ I 'm going to put the injection in through the net . ’
24 Yeah in me pocket , lights out , I 'm going to put the carseat in
25 And I 'm going to hold the top while I show you .
26 ‘ I thought I am going to get in there ( the Palace ) and I 'm going to see the Queen , ’ he said .
27 I 'm not lying , I 'm not saying I 'm , I 'm addressing you know , a national convention , or I 'm going to see the Queen , or whatever , I 'm just saying I ca n't see you that day .
28 And after that I 'm going to see the boy myself , make him understand .
29 I 'm going to see the doctor , Stan , ’ said the other .
30 ‘ Hess or no Hess , ’ he said , ‘ I 'm going to see the Marx Brothers . ’
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