Example sentences of "[pron] know [that] it [is] not " in BNC.

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1 But now , she thought , I know that it is not so .
2 Since I know that it is not , then my use of it is a bit of rhetoric .
3 Therefore I know that it is not a matter of you using good sense in rejecting advances from young men because you would soon be parted from them .
4 I know that it is not always easy to maintain enthusiasm and commitment in the midst of a severe recession with the inevitable consequences of financial restraint , colleagues being made redundant , and this year , losses at Group level .
5 This time , however , you know that it is not true .
6 ‘ In our party we know that it is not the State that builds the success of a Nation .
7 It is not always in the right and we know that it is not .
8 But banks unfortunately do charge , negotiating fee and then interest at exciting rates , erm solicitors will do it sometimes , we 've done it for clients where we know that it 's not too large an amount and we know that there are assets easily obtained because that way the client saves the banks administration fee .
9 They know that it is not as important as good health , a contented mind , or that gift that the poet Ruth Pitter said was the one she would choose , above all others , to bestow upon a child at birth — ‘ love in old age ’ .
10 Local accountability has gone out of the window ; Ministers no longer even talk about it , because they know that it is not a reality .
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