Example sentences of "[pron] know [pron] think [pers pn] [is] " in BNC.

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1 BEATRIX : I know you think it is .
2 Consolidated 's latest LP , ‘ Play More Music ’ , collects together intense , groovy and very left-of-centre raps and rants like ‘ Veggie Beat Manifesto ’ and the classic ‘ You Suck ’ , rapped by women , about oral sexual equality — ‘ I know you think it 's a real drag to suck my cunt when I 'm on the rag ’ .
3 So she said they 've rang her back cos you know I think she 's going there again .
4 Yes I suppose it 's true that for somebody like me I 've been involved in quite a lot of different groups over over the years and the quarry men 's support group is it 's difficult to put in words really er exactly how it 's erm you know I think it 's very easy f for groups to become sort of s set really and er well I 've always wanted it to involve everybody and I think it does that in a way it sort of er it 's quite special to all of us in in a funny sort of way it 's er you know we feel quite committed .
5 Erm certainly I think all of our quarry , the quarry , I think we were overwhelmed with the support because it was really in our place that the dispute started and a lot of other people who I 'd spoken to you know they they were amazed at the support we received and , seemed to be the shyer the people you know the , some of the lads they never spoke much at lodge meetings , but after a while they 'd be getting up and saying their pieces and , you know I think it 's just because you knew you had backing , and people helping and urging you on , advising you , and the union helping and you know they leant over backwards in various fields to help us .
6 yeah recruiting , dog shitting on their street etc etc etc that we do our best to deal with in the yer know time honoured tradition of a policeman and a and we 're police officer sorry , sorry Trace , er and er we just you know I think it 's more a P R O thing than er anybody , but I do n't expect you to man it , I do n't expect Jenny or Ann or or Jane to man it
7 I just thought I 'd watch for the , you know I think it 's on every erm it 's on every da , ways you know Hawaii Five O is showing the old things again .
8 I did n't make much sense to me and I was n't sure what we decided to do and erm you know I think it 's slightly inaccurate , but never mind .
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