Example sentences of "[pron] still [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I still kept my nose among the blooms .
2 Then I could walk home in daylight , but at bedtime I still searched my room for the murderer , who wore a black leather built-up surgical boot that swung and lurched down thick-pile carpets towards his victims .
3 I still remember my surprise at the changed attitudes I noticed in other people when I first put on a white coat .
4 I still regard my win in last year 's Derby on Dr Devious as the greatest , thrill of my racing career , ’ he told me .
5 Problem was I was playing a British Military Police Chief , and I still had my uniform on when I turned up at this place .
6 He says : ‘ I still see my role as one of privilege .
7 Although I still held my card of the Transport and General Workers .
8 Eusebio played that night , and again when United beat Benfica at Wembley two years later to lift the European Cup and enshrine a friendship between the two clubs which still leaves its mark in Lisbon .
9 Nevertheless , it 's the deathless ‘ Tears Of A Clown ’ and ‘ The Tracks Of My Tears ’ which still define his place in the popular memory : odd that such a joyful singer should be best remembered for two helplessly sad little songs .
10 He had a degree of concern for the vanquished Germans , and respect for them as individuals , which taught me another valuable lesson , and which still makes his name in Wilhelmshaven one which is honoured rather than reviled .
11 Carolyn , who still had her job at the ‘ Craft Basket ’ , stayed at home .
12 Are you still developing your presence in Japan ?
13 Can you still get your divorce on such puny , immediately regretted unfaithfulness ?
14 ‘ I see you still have your penchant for gaseous drinks , ’ I remark .
15 The question this time , however , is would you still put your money on her ?
16 " You still put your money on the evenings , though . "
17 ‘ Even now you still believe your body to be so irresistible that I must be hungering for it ? ’
18 While crossing the Old Bridge , she suddenly wondered if she still had her money in her breast purse .
19 She still had her glass in hand , and sipped then passed it over .
20 When midday arrived and she still had her job at Vasey 's , Leith began to have doubts that Naylor Massingham intended to dismiss her .
21 She became close to both women and , although she still saw her mother from time to time and still has a very strong relationship with her that has not been diminished by the divorce , a special bond was forged with the two older women .
22 so we did n't open yours , and when you left , I thought oh no , they 're gon na think we 're really rude , because we still got their bottle of wine , and we did n't drink it .
23 Unbeaten Cremonese are just two games from the final , but Smith said : ‘ We still have our pride at stake .
24 They still retain their stronghold in southwest Scotland and northern England today .
25 And even when the ark was abandoned , it still left its mark on the science .
26 It no longer needed the wealthy connoisseur for his erudition , it had acquired the relevant expertise into its own hands , but it still needed his recognition to be acceptable to society .
27 He still wore his expression of vacuous merriment , which must have been habitual rather than assumed in my honour .
28 He still wore his hair in a pony-tail , complete with ribbon , and wore an ankh on a chain around his neck , but beneath the veneer of a harmless flower-child gone to seed he was as acquisitive as a bower-bird .
29 A dark look crossed his features as she told him she did n't want to see him , but he still kept his temper on a tight rein .
30 Jackson smiled ; he still had his back to the room .
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