Example sentences of "[pron] still [verb] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His answer was not merely acceptable , it was final , in the sense that he need give no further justification of his decision , and if I still wish to object the burden of proof has shifted to me .
2 I still had to use the yarn separators though . )
3 Nothing put me off , I 'm happy to say , but in the years before I got the chance to enjoy what I did for a living , I still had to pay the rent .
4 I had got to the beach , but I still had to find the dinghy — and Joanna .
5 I still had to get the hay down from the top byre to take to the cattle in the bottom byre on my sledge .
6 As results get worse , I still manage to bluff the board into believing I have a long-term strategy that will see us pulling away from the bottom within weeks .
7 Mosley 's opposition to this national change of mood meant that for the small minority who still wished to maintain the peace of Europe at any price , he was momentarily seen as an alternative leader who would keep Britain out of a war .
8 Suddenly the garage owner , whom you still employ to maintain the car , hauls you into court to block the sale .
9 It 's coming but you still need to have the accent over the top , you need to have the dot there , you need to have the two accidentals there , that 's yes that 's got what it needs dot there , the accent there , you need to have the two accidentals there do n't you .
10 If you know in advance that a customer is going to take six months to pay you instead of one and you still want to make the sale , then consider loading your price to cover your finance costs .
11 ‘ And what about you — are you still going to raise the subject with your parents about Jennifer going there , or have you changed your mind ? ’
12 She assumed it was only a temporary lapse in character while he nursed his head but she still determined to keep the conversation going for as long as possible .
13 But she says she still plans to take the paper to court .
14 then the other one still has to have the equivalent of a C commanding although it 's in a , in a different way .
15 What is more , we still have to answer the objection that intellectual development can be normal in people with very severe motor impairments .
16 Occasionally a horse starts some form of undesirable behaviour , such as putting its tongue over the bit , due to anxiety alone , and without it having been hurt ; but we still have to cure the anxiety to prevent the unwanted behaviour developing into a habit .
17 Yeah well there is about seventeen pounds in change in there but we still have to get the Christmas puddings cos we have n't seen any yet .
18 Spokesman Ken Lawrence said : ‘ Despite what has been written in TODAY , we still expect to win the vote . ’
19 Members were discouraged from bringing along a personal caddie and if they did they still had to pay the caddie master the fee he would have received , irrespective of whether there was a caddie available or not !
20 They still have to pre-set the amount of money .
21 When viruses succeed in binding to cell membrane receptors they still have to enter the cell and break up into separated proteins and genetic material before they can replicate .
22 They still want to take the park over and run it on a similar operation to Southsea/Rom .
23 It makes none because whereas The Smiths attract the same kind of audience ( who hold intense faith ) as U2 and The Jam ( which is basically the male dominated sexually repressed types who are also the essence of heavy metal ) they still refuse to display the schoolboy phoney surreal imagery of those people .
24 Written as a journalistic offering without benefit of references or even a bibliography , it still manages to inform the reader on many of the internal features of Saddam Hussein 's rise to power , though it has an infuriating tendency to dart back and forth over the past 30 years , too much like a 1960s film trying to be clever .
25 As we understand it , nothing has changed in Japan but it still managed to make the news and push the share price higher , so that it ended the month in much the same place as it began .
26 There has been no change , for example , in the management of Iraq ( Mr Hussein hangs infuriatingly on ) or in the dogmas of Iran ( it still sees confounding the West as its sacred duty ) .
27 Of course it still has to sell the idea to management and our source thinks Austin is still 24 months from a product , but the notion could be IBM 's answer to Microsoft 's NT .
28 The spadefoot has one of the fastest rates of development of any frog or toad , but it still has to undergo the process known as metamorphosis — the egg does not hatch into an adult , but into a tadpole , which has to reach a certain critical size before it can finally metamorphose into a tiny toad .
29 First , like Dearlove , it still seems to exaggerate the localness of local politics and the extent to which they ever presented a substantial obstacle to the programmes of the centre .
30 He still burned to preach the Gospel to the poor and to help them .
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