Example sentences of "[pron] must have [vb pp] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was not given her name — that came from my mother and her mother — but I think I must have inherited her resilience , which my father has too .
2 I found among my mother 's papers when she died a letter from my grandfather which must have wrung her heart for years after his death : ‘ … ca n't you spare a moment to write to your poor old Dad … ‘
3 ‘ Well , you must have bought her dinner , drinks and so forth .
4 She must have made her way to the East End to get to a phone box , ’ came the voice of Control .
5 She had been given directions to a smallholding where they sold early strawberries on a roadside stall but she must have missed her way , taken a wrong turning and come out here .
6 I said that she must have done her act by now , but Rebecca said not to worry and that she and Clara always followed Plan B — to hide in the Ladies — if anything went wrong .
7 She must have changed her mind because she called us back .
8 I think she must have thought that Miss Moberley and Miss Jourdain , temporarily living in the year 1789 , had not been impeded by walls built after that date ; but I am sure she must have misread her map .
9 But he made the point there were no signs that Sandy had struggled for her life , that she must have trusted her murderer .
10 Pascoe guessed that she must have put her hand over the mouthpiece .
11 She must have caught her heel and tripped , just rotten bad luck .
12 She must have wormed her way into Topaz 's confidence , maybe gave her a new recipe for ginger biscuits or something , who knows ? ’
13 He must have seen her standing or walking , a lone pregnant woman , as he went past and decided to pick her up . ’
14 But there was no mockery , and she shared the fun , the edges of her meanings meshing with his so that he must have felt her ecstasy but somehow there was no embarrassment .
15 He must have read her note to me the other day , because this is just a truncated version of it .
16 He must have got her address from Bridget .
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