Example sentences of "[pron] must [vb infin] been [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 " Sometimes I think I must have been a horse in a previous incarnation . "
2 I must have been the thorn between the roses , ’ he said , with some satisfaction .
3 For a start he 'd given up being a hippie , which must have been a relief to the Fish , not only professionally but because it meant the Fish could play Charlie soul records — Otis Redding and all — the only music he liked .
4 They met with little armed resistance ( which must have been a relief to Louis , who had little confidence in his own military skill ) , and gained considerable incidental profit : the king 's person was seen in an area unvisited since the reign of Louis IV ; the counts of Nevers , Chalon , and Mâcon were brought to heel ; Burgundian lords appealed for the king 's mediation in their quarrels ( he also sought theirs ) ; the count of Forez , hitherto only a vassal of the Emperor , declared his most important castles to be held as fief of the crown of France , the first step in the integration of Forez into the French realm .
5 It remains another convincing saltire design , bordered by elaborate chain-guilloche : a mosaic which must have been the work of at least one craftsman who had experience at Verulamium and Colchester .
6 The example from Bartók 's Fourth Quartet illustrates this method , which must have been the composer 's way of working in many parts of the work .
7 They showed some decline in the 1931 Census ( to 48 per cent and 8 per cent respectively ) , part of which must have been the result of high general levels of unemployment in the depths of the inter-war depression .
8 The memorial marks a striking turnabout in the men 's approach to composing machines , which must have been the result of a fairly recent appreciation of the double threat posed by women Monotype operators .
9 The next customer was a middle-aged man who must have been a regular , for he began by saying , ‘ Do n't often see you on this side , miss . ’
10 You must have been a success , ’ Aunt Emily said .
11 But it made me think you must have been a friend of Hugh 's .
12 You must have been a kid in school !
13 Although Mr Cross was perturbed at his strange encounter , he dismissed his consternation and decided that she must have been a village girl who had watched the train and then returned home .
14 I figured she must have been a masochist .
15 She must have been a woman of great taste . ’
16 When she opened the door , they stopped talking , so she must have been the subject .
17 God , she must have been the prize dummy of all time .
18 she left that and she 's gone to do her midwifery and now when she gets the other day she was looking at old pay slips God , she must have been an idiot to give up a sister 's post cos she said her wages have dropped terrible to do this course !
19 I 'm coming up a hill near some kind of huge church or cathedral — there must 've been a service or a concert going on because people are pouring out — one of them 's singing a high trill and her boyfriend 's cross : ‘ Please , Miranda !
20 Such was the popularity of film and such was the reforming zeal of that first decade or so of the twentieth century that there must have been every possibility that other agencies would take up the chance of producing , distributing , and exhibiting films in their own halls .
21 We share a common ancestor with chimpanzees , so at some point in either our ancestry or chimps ' there must have been a change in chromosome number .
22 There must have been a misunderstanding about that …
23 In each case there must have been a scientist employed .
24 We used these techniques to show that there must have been a state of infinite density in the past , if the general theory of relativity is correct .
25 There must have been a push . ’
26 There must have been a blueprint in F.B.I.H.Q. for Legal Attachés ' premises , because the set-up in London , the mechanism of the outer security door , was identical to the one in Rome .
27 I started right in by saying there must have been a bit of a misunderstanding .
28 ‘ His hearing aid and glasses were smashed so there must have been a bit of a tussle , ’ he said .
29 There must have been a window . ’
30 And everybody was I 'm not joking , there must have been a couple of hundred people that either they 're shopping or watching , you know if they could .
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