Example sentences of "[pron] may have [to-vb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I may have to consult my solicitor . ’
2 If things do n't improve I may have to re-design my garden .
3 ‘ If we book a separate one for me , ’ she pointed out , ‘ I may have to show my passport .
4 I always use Flex shampoo and conditioner for frequent use because when I 'm working I may have to wash my hair more than once a day .
5 Hydrangea florets can be picked and pressed in the autumn when they are a lovely green shade with reddish tinges , although you may have to choose your bush carefully as they do not all have the same density of colour .
6 Valuable experience can be gained in small agencies anywhere because you may have to turn your hand to any job that needs doing at a given moment .
7 It is even possible that you may have to leave your project before it is complete because of illness or assignment to other responsibilities or for some other reason .
8 Cos I was using that issue at that time , but we always make the proviso that if things change , you may have to alter your mind about where your money 's placed .
9 You may have to prove your sincerity to a judge and he may be cross enough with your behaviour to refuse you the divorce .
10 You may have to convince your client that it is worth bearing part of the cost of an expensive expert if their input into the case is going significantly to increase your chances of success or the amount of the award .
11 To avoid narrow cuts , you may have to adjust your guide lines
12 You may have to break your word , Emily . ’
13 You may have to change your attitude because I really think she is quite annoyed with you . ’
14 He or she may have to change your medication .
15 As a pro-abortion mood sweeps the country , he may have to modify his stance .
16 He may have to change his tune if a swing to the right-wing Republicans shoves his beloved Free Democrats below the 5 per cent mark and so out of the Bundestag in the next elections .
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