Example sentences of "[pron] may [adv] [vb infin] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And I believe there 's some roadworks at Stafford , I might even get on my teletext and look and see what roadworks are on the M six , I may even give the A A a ring , to say , but it 's all on teletext and this sort of thing .
2 Or let my Lamp at midnight hour Be seen in some high lonely Tower Where I may oft outwatch the Bear .
3 I was suddenly really upset as I thought I may never feel the baby moving inside me any more .
4 I may never have the strength again . ’
5 But perhaps , too , we go to observe our death , prefigured in the element in which we can not survive , and which may eventually cover the earth for all time .
6 Undeterred , he kept his gaze averted , saying quietly , ‘ I have something here which may yet put the company back on an upward spiral .
7 There is some sense in this comment which may well explain the position of the Situationists at a particular conjunction , but it is a sense which would also explain earlier avant-garde trends in art ( if not cinema ) since , say , Futurism .
8 The need to survive is , after all , the most basic instinct we have , and it is necessary to use one 's powers of intuition to detect the change of mind which may well accompany the facing of possible extinction .
9 But for all that and all that there have been some interesting stirrings in the undergrowth which may well have the effect of concentrating the minds of the opposition party leaders .
10 It would help us if it 's a bit softer at Cheltenham which may also hinder The Fellow .
11 From the gully a pipe leads to an inspection chamber which may also have the soil stack connected to it .
12 Your general health will benefit from the following two points of the code , which may also reduce the risk of some cancers .
13 We would suggest that in neuropathic pseudoobstruction it is more likely that the tachygastria is induced by loss of intrinsic inhibitory innervation which may normally modify the frequency of polarisation of the plasmalemmal membrane of the gastric smooth muscle cells .
14 Yet this is the very time we ask teenagers to make career choices , which may partly explain the findings that by age 35 over 60 per cent of men and women will say they chose the wrong career .
15 Another flawed but striking recent movie is DOA ( Buena Vista ) , an update from the creators of Max Headroom of the classic 1949 thriller of the same name , which may detrimentally alter the plot of the original but boasts nonetheless some arresting high-tech intimations of neo-expressionist atmosphere .
16 The decrease in citation rate is probably due to the publication of derived papers , which may largely obviate the need to cite the original thesis as time goes on .
17 Little mention has been made so far of those elements of material forms which relate to each other in an ordered fashion , and which may thereby influence the manner in which they are utilized in constituting cultural patterns or acting as systems of meaning .
18 In the music department of J.F. Kennedy School I met a similar concern for the practice rather than the theory which may perhaps reflect the change in emphasis caused by the introduction of the new music syllabus for the GCSE .
19 There are psychological effects of fear and depression , which may significantly impair the victim 's enjoyment of life long after the physical wounds have healed .
20 These valves also serve to trap any water which may accidentally pass the blowhole , and thus prevent it from entering the lungs , which would cause choking or drowning .
21 Check , though , that she is n't sleeping in an awkward position , which may sometimes cause the problem .
22 Use bactericide for the time being to guard against infection , but do nothing else which may further stress the fish .
23 For the purchaser moving into a new area , invaluable comments can be made on the property 's location and any unfavourable matters which may adversely affect the value now or in the future .
24 The secret is the human voice — at once intimate and personal to you — much more magic in a way than the announcer on TV backed by his hi-tech coloured images flashing across the screen or pictures of the events being described — all of which may actually lessen the feeling of personal involvement .
25 Laws and conventions constrain the broadcast media , who may nevertheless reproduce the voices of those who can adopt such a stance .
26 With so many people who may eventually receive the training to prescribe , we can imagine the advantages that patients will derive from that training and delivery .
27 This engrossing spectacle fascinates the predator who may eventually devour the tail , although it has little nutritional value .
28 There will be some who may initially enjoy the appearance of their name in national and local newspapers , though even they , initially unused to the implications of media publicity , may come to regret their decision .
29 Although you may normally take the view that there is never a best time for spending money , retirement planning is different in that sooner or later you will need , or want , to make certain purchases — or pay off outstanding commitments , such as a mortgage .
30 You may yet have the opportunity to find some incontrovertible evidence that will crack the case . ’
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