Example sentences of "[pron] may [adv] [verb] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 I may even ask to see a priest , but the essential point remains the same .
2 I may possibly have added a word or two . ’
3 Oddly enough I may never have had an operational tour had it not been for one of these fellow travellers .
4 In addition , the economies of Holland and the Scandinavian countries are especially sensitive to international trade influences , which may also have encouraged a broad approach to wage determination .
5 BRITAIN 'S No.2 tennis player of 1992 , Andrew Castle , is making a post-Wimbledon trip to Liverpool to coach the finer points of the game to novices who may never have seen a racket .
6 But when you have a situation where youngsters of 12 or 13 — and in some cases even younger — who may only have won a couple of matches , are being offered $500,000 guarantees to sign up with one of the management companies before they are snapped up by one of the rival agents , the potential for long term damage is enormous . ’
7 If you had your baby at BMH , you may well have had a leaflet left on your bed by Birmingham West branch .
8 You may even have to launch a complete attack before you can spell out your future intentions .
9 Even the smallest plot will have sufficient room for a small table and chairs , You may also want to include a barbecue .
10 You may also want to have a tumbler of alcohol to sip to relax beforehand .
11 If the table of the guitar has ‘ bellied out ’ you may also have to shave a few millimetres off the bottom of the saddle to achieve a lower playing action .
12 ( Note : You may also have to pay a fee if you go to a notary public or commissioner for oaths to sign your affidavit .
13 You may also have to pay an extra charge if you take equipment back with more damage than when you took it out ( make sure any damage is recorded when you pick up the goods ) and if the equipment is so dirty that it requires cleaning .
14 Depending on the shape of the frame that you have chosen , you may also wish to use a mount in the picture .
15 At this juncture you may just have noticed a slight differential in pace between the ‘ amateurs ’ in this democracy game , and the alleged professionals .
16 You may then decide to give a copy of the list to your practice partner and try to spot which one is said when in random order .
17 I think she may even have said a few words to it .
18 She may also have to face a serious reduction in income , which might necessitate the sale of her house and the loss of her settled way of life by a move to another neighbourhood and to a smaller home , or into yours if that is to be the arrangement you both decide upon .
19 A second recognised that she may actually have chosen a philandering partner because she 's frightened of lifetime exclusivity herself .
20 She may perhaps have felt a little out of place but she articulates a rare understanding of what was going on in the place , all underpinned by an almost total recall of the fascinating minutiae of day-to-day events .
21 Consequently , I think we may legitimately expect to see an attempt , though not before the Nazis are observed to be definitely on the point of throwing in their hand , to undertake some minor military venture independent , if at all possible , of the general strategy of the Allies .
22 We may already have built a rewarding business relationship together and feel that by offering you the shell Account Card this will help to consolidate it .
23 After the threats of the early '80s we may well have relaxed a bit .
24 In other words one may validly consent to obey a government whose authority can be established in accordance with the normal justification thesis .
25 But buyers there may simply have stolen a march on the market .
26 But for those who could receive a smattering of instruction at home , or who had spent a short while at day schools in their infancy , they may well have nourished a plant that might otherwise have ceased to grow , or even withered .
27 Often people who share your compartment wish to relax and do not wish to indulge in polite conversation , they may just want to read a newspaper or magazine so we must respect their wishes .
28 Left : Most wide waterway craft were built with a more spacious cabin and many boatmen lived on board although they may also have kept a house on shore .
29 They may however have achieved a realization of theoretical proposals : but we can not be certain about that until further research has been undertaken into the workings of the Household .
30 This may simply mean adding a flower , an attractively draped scarf or a glass of wine to the products to be photographed , but it may also mean creating a complete atmosphere .
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