Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] only [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Quite apart from the fears this aroused on the left , the price of CEDA support was a return , especially in rural Spain , to the social situation of the monarchy — a course that could only have explosive consequences .
2 In reality that would only increase white racism and try to solve with money a problem that can not be bribed away .
3 Chairman , I believe that this is just the sort of motion that can only bring local government into disrepute It 's an abuse of power the council holds lands in the county farms estate for purposes set out in the nineteen sixty agriculture act .
4 But do n't fall into the trap of considering Newport a side that can only play ten-man rugby .
5 ‘ That is the only possible explanation for the steady supply to newspapers and authors of this information that can only put more pressure on the prince and the Royal Family .
6 She was very afraid of taking weight through her left leg , and could only feel deep sensations on her left side , so that it was difficult for her to know where her arm and leg were in space .
7 failed to take full advantage of Gretna 's slip up and could only draw 3–3 Tow despite going into a 3–2 lead with three minutes left .
8 DALTON Grant , Britain 's high jumper who threatened to ‘ make the big boys sweat in Barcelona ’ flopped out and could only reach 2.15 metres — near the bottom of the list .
9 A boxer before the war , Charles Nungesser had been smashed up so badly that by the time of Verdun he had to be lifted bodily into the cockpit and could only use one leg on the rudder controls .
10 Brought to the home of a knight , this girl and boy wept a great deal , spoke in strange syllables and would only eat green beans which , according to Celtic superstition , are the food of the dead .
11 he is a slow and meticulous worker and will only complete three pictures a year .
12 Every stage in the process had to offer an advantage to the organism in the struggle for existence : natural selection can not plan ahead and can only promote those characters that are useful in the short term .
13 On the other , you have to use a word processor or text editor to change the layout of any of the forms the package can produce , and can only use one font in any one document ( which is hardly in the spirit of Windows ) .
14 And angry young men are just older men who have n't grown up and can only see one side of the coin .
15 In addition , the local authority has the power to determine the extent to which a parent may exercise his or her parental responsibility but may only exercise this power where necessary to safeguard or promote the child 's welfare ( s33(3) ( b ) ( 4 ) ) .
16 Ignoring his mother , Putt tried to speak to the pot-man , but could only utter unintelligible noises .
17 They will not move out of the tradition in manner or moral , but will only marry higher education and will search for some way to use it .
18 ‘ Those worst hit will be people like nurses , teachers , police officers and local government employees — people who pay their taxes and work hard but will only get legal aid if they pay huge amounts . ’
19 ‘ The worst hit will be people who pay taxes and work hard but will only get legal aid if they pay huge amounts ’ ‘ What is the point of having laws and courts if large numbers of people can not use them because of the price ? ’
20 I achieved around 18 mpg in the early model but can only manage 15 mpg in the ‘ 84 .
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