Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [adv] be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Election ‘ 92 : INS AND OUTS Colin Randall on the well-known faces that are departing — or will soon be arriving at — the House of Commons
2 " Darling , if you put your ear close to mine , you 'll hear last night 's electric , whining , beating group that should still be issuing from the brain tissue . "
3 However , there are other compounds that might also be helping with it .
4 The signs are that West Germany will still insist that the EMU negotiations start after its election on December 2nd , not least because the fusion of the Ostmark and the D-mark will inevitably distract minds in the Bundesbank and the finance ministry that could otherwise be thinking about EMU .
5 It was time to forget about Ardakkeans and their mysterious phetam , and get back on course for Vadinamia and the problems that would surely be waiting for me there .
6 The day that would soon be drawing to its close had been one of the most wonderful he had experienced : the theft , the murder , the link between the theft and the murder — yes , all now known .
7 Leaving his cry wafting after him , he disappeared in pursuit of a housemaid who was busily removing all the clean antimacassars that had only just been placed lovingly in position for the oil-bedaubed heads that would shortly be resting on them .
8 Anything that will ultimately be displeasing to God is included in the idea of ‘ obeying in the Lord ’ .
9 ‘ There 's lots of great drivers that will absolutely be gunning for me on Sunday .
10 Business groups consider that in some places ‘ decline ’ has reached such a pitch that local political power has become almost totally divorced from economic power and may even be working against its interest …
11 Labour Members do not speak about it much now , and may now be moving in a more constructive direction .
12 Swindon were in a different league and could well be playing in one if they keep this up .
13 It had been announced only a month ago that she was expecting her first child and would probably be leaving after the spring term .
14 All the time she dashed through the streets , fighting her way through the hubbub , Wilson looked for Mr Browning , knowing he must have heard by now and would surely be rushing to his wife 's side .
15 Alex Salmond , leader of the SNP , defended his party saying : ‘ The economic prospects for an independent Scotland are outstanding , and in sharp contrast with bankrupt Britain which is sinking under Tory policies and would still be sinking under a Labour government pursuing Tory policies . ’
16 He said he would be considering his future with his family over the weekend and would possibly be returning to business — his last position was as chief executive of Ridgway 's Tea .
17 He appeared on BBC1 's The Health Show earlier this year and will soon be moving to GMTV as an early morning medical adviser .
18 The hypnotist 's instruction to keep looking at the drawing pin conflicts with his suggestion that the eyes are growing tired and will soon be closing of themselves .
19 Now that you are completing the preliminary studies and will shortly be embarking on the more complicated part of the syllabus , I feel that , at this stage , it would be of benefit to give you the following lessons in an endeavour to press home to you the importance and value of your continued perseverance .
20 Probably 12 months from now , I wo n't be doing any acquisitions but will instead be concentrating on internal growth . ’
21 Among these is Sister Julie Ambrose Atkinson from Kendal , who is at present on leave but will shortly be returning to Nigeria .
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