Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [vb infin] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While some may see the whole area of aesthetic response as one limited by hedonism or elitism , or may wish to view it as a superficial frill of little relevance to the real world of materialistic values , others are able to propose valid reasons why investigation into the nature of aesthetic experience should be pursued .
2 With a shoe clutched in each hand he was unable to make a grab for the rougher stones that might have saved him from disaster .
3 In 1914 Watson left National Cash Register under a cloud of monopoly and competitive charges that might have put him in jail .
4 now lets hear three cheers for Gloucester rugby club … on Saturday they won at London Irish in the league … a victory that could help keep them in the first division
5 Her whole adult life was a triumph of determination over a body that could have condemned her to permanent invalidism .
6 He was n't privy to any really sensitive stuff that could have put him in danger — that 's according to my liaison fella in SIS . ’
7 It started with a piece of foolishness that could have got me into a deal of trouble had I not have had a wise check in time from the inspector .
8 She is absolutely confident that she was privileged to witness a scene from the past in startling clarity that would continue to baffle her for ever .
9 CHINA 'S hardline vice-president Wang Zhen died yesterday , just days before a meeting of parliament that would have retired him from his post .
10 At one time that would have meant nothing to her ; now , she realised , it meant everything .
11 It is doubtful if the corridors of Whitehall and the British civil service will quite match this record , but the simple point is that a host of records of potential interest to the historian that would have manifested themselves on paper will no longer do so .
12 Francis could have been involved in something a bit shady but nothing that would have brought him within range of any violence .
13 Against this , as we saw , the existentialists argued that rather than making futile attempts to " eliminate " the problem one should subject it to a different type of treatment that would help place it in a proper philosophical perspective , and this was correct as far as it went .
14 A person that would like to share their with everybody
15 The merchant bank or broker will charge a commission for procuring the subscribers and may agree to subscribe itself for the balance if it fails to procure sufficient interest from its clients .
16 The references and further reading I have included here would make useful introductory reading to this subject and may help to prepare you for sessions and discussions based on the concept of accountability .
17 Researchers at the University of Liverpool have developed a method of identifying polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) which indicates their source and may help to follow them through the environment .
18 They will be less available than previously to sit on appointment panels and may have to limit themselves to advising on senior posts only .
19 In washing her hands after breakfast she had taken off her wedding ring and must have left it on the side of the basin .
20 It could and should have led him to great opportunities .
21 If , on the other hand , God should have ordained for me thus , miserable and wretched as I am , and should have called me by His grace to sit solitary and serve him in that manner , as he deigns to grant to me , shall I not persevere in that calling ?
22 Old Asshe had liked him , he had been certain , and should have welcomed him as a son-in-law ; but evidently no man in the world was to be permitted to fill that position .
23 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
24 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
25 Knighton , now owner of Carlisle United , blamed the board for allowing Leeds to take the title , saying : ‘ United had money in the bank and should have spent it on a striker at Christmas .
26 The reader should resist the temptation to think of the law as a closed set of rules and principles , and should strive to see it as a setting in which the business of politics and government is carried on .
27 keith richardson says that Gloucester made basic errors and could have helped themselves to nineteen points … you ca n't afford to make such errors against a team like Bath and in the end things went badly wrong
28 It indicates that you are unlikely to be a person who thinks she knows all the answers and would tend to overwhelm her with advice and urge her to ‘ dry your eyes and try not to think about it too much ’ ; and best of all , you care .
29 But of course Downton is a huge company , too , and would have dragged everyone through the courts if necessary . ’
30 As the head of Cedars was making his entry list for September already , and would have to submit it by the end of the week , the educational psychologist was going to request a place for Balbinder before Statementing him .
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