Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [pron] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or should we perhaps seize the opportunity , when the whole curriculum is in disarray , to put forward a case for excluding the moral , the social , and the religious from the schoolteacher 's sphere of responsibility ?
2 Or should they merely reflect the will of Parliament ?
3 I thought for thought for fifteen minutes I was er should I or should I not join the company .
4 Should he ration the number of pages he read per day or should he just read the book straight through ?
5 A peaceful lunch , some bread and cheese — or should he perhaps tidy the lounge first ?
6 If the erm Homeworks experiment is successful could we see many more stores turning over to that that format and that that or will you consider converting the whole chain or might you just have a separate chain called Homesworks ?
7 Could it or could it not have a bearing on this present case of murder ?
8 I 'll run you home ; or would you rather have a brandy ? ’
9 Or would you rather have the security of knowing that , whenever in the years to come your employer may decide , for whatever reason , that you should go , you will be cushioned by a generous notice period which allows you to look for something else without the fear that very shortly the money will be running out ?
10 Or would you rather see a flick ? ’
11 Would I or would I not welcome the security of a rope ?
12 Or will you just watch the downward spiral continue with the gaze of a dog that does n't understand ? ’
13 Or can you just put the income across ?
14 Finally , interviewers are often hesitant to broach the question of one partner wishing to resign , so at interview we raise the issue and offer reassurance that should it ever occur the remaining partner would either also resign or take on the post full time .
15 Nor should we ever underestimate the capacity of old people to alter life-long patterns of interaction when need arises .
16 Nor could one really compare a sacred and honourable estate like marriage to a relationship with a cat .
17 ‘ From a practical point of view , they are still dependent on their company for career progression and can not have the independence an external auditor would have nor would they necessarily have the technical expertise if they conducted a statutory audit only once a year . ’
18 Nor shall I again urge the objections cited above to the ‘ murderous conspiracy ’ theory .
19 But he must be all too aware that it wo n't impress the Soviet citizens facing economic crisis , and waiting in the food queues , nor will it immediately resolve the ethnic problems which beset him .
20 Nor can we fundamentally question the rules of logic , for only when we assume them can we ask a question at all .
21 Nor can she merely learn a mechanical set of techniques .
22 It is in my mind that this last outrage can not be allowed to pass , nor can I longer leave the handling of the affair to Prince Henry or his advisers .
23 That shut them up and should it not do the same to we miserable sinners today ?
24 And should he ever make a sequel , he 's been warned — someone will be watching very closely .
25 Now could you get together and spend five or six minutes as a group , having a look at the other group 's presentation and could you please make a note
26 ‘ Oh , and could I please have the hot-water ration today , Mama ?
27 And would they still get the income support after that but still at a reduced rate or not ?
28 Am I being told that the law of England is so deficient that , if one assaults a person by driving a car at them to the danger of that person 's life or property — whether or not one damages either — that is not a crime known to the common law of England , and would it not attract the most condign penalties ?
29 And would I ever get the sides and base of the hole smooth enough to take a liner ?
30 Would my right honourable friend confirm that the former director of G C H Q , Sir Brian Tovey , stated that during the imposition of martial law in Warsaw and during the Soviet anva invasion of Afghanistan some ten thousand hours of cover were lost at G C H Q. And will he not confirm that is a perfectly good reason for the ban on external er interference by trade unions in the activities of G C H Q and will he also assure the house that the existing trade assoc the staff association works perfectly well and there is no reason whatever for an external trade union to interfere in G C H Q's affairs .
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