Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [verb] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This month , we 'll be looking at some examples that should help you to develop your fluency in playing these two interval types from a scalic standpoint .
2 There are relatively few points of difference between JC and the other Caribbean English-based Creoles that might enable us to pinpoint their focus as JC rather than some other variety .
3 This is the one thing that might make me lose my temper .
4 If you DO video anything that might interest us call our Newsdesk on 0235-554123 .
5 A visit to a different universe — one that might help you understand what I 'm getting at ? ’
6 These other features of the model have yet to be fully developed and experimental evidence that might allow us to evaluate them is sparse .
7 I have already discussed the notion of relative novelty in the course of an analysis of habituation ( Chapter 2 , pp. 44–5 ) and failed to come up with hard evidence that might require us to accept its reality .
8 That kind of damp , chill August day only Blighty can produce , a large , scrubby field , a bill that could make you weep it was so poor .
9 We pick two factors two numbers that would make you multiply them together and they would make three sixty .
10 Nothing that would lead me to inform your firm of her passing . ’
11 ‘ It has been suggested to me by the parents of Tomkiss and Wattling that their sons are skilled in … metalwork , and that the school should have an … option that would enable them to pursue their interest in this … field .
12 And she sought , faintly , for compromise , for some way of life that would enable her to see her mother as often as a sense of duty obliged .
13 He would n't feed her the line that would enable her to end her days peacefully in public view .
14 Yet somehow Edward must be appeased , so I sought to make a virtue of my ignorance , asking questions that would allow him to air his greater experience .
15 But they dare n't take on the decisions and responsibility that would allow them to make their own alternatives , and to drop right out .
16 Laplace suggested that there should be a set of scientific laws that would allow us to predict everything that would happen in the universe , if only we knew the complete state of the universe at one time .
17 The main purpose was to introduce to the smaller islands some strong , competitive cricket that would help them to raise their playing standards further and improve their facilities .
18 As he 'd hobbled back through the sleet a tiny part of him had hoped her gratitude would include an embrace , or at least a few words that would let him know she felt something for him .
19 More daughters than would admit it hate their mothers . ’
20 The only thing that will make them change their attitudes will be knowing someone with AIDS and watching them decline .
21 We check out a sound card that will make them eat their words — the Laserwave Plus .
22 Can he say anything this afternoon that will enable me to reassure my very worried constituents ?
23 ‘ That remains my purpose and I believe what we will come forward with for the future of local government will lead to the kind of strong , robust single-tier authorities that will enable them to fulfil their important democratic functions and deliver quality services to their local residents .
24 ‘ I think that in any case technological developments ensure that there is no point in trying to propagandize or conceal , because people have access to the truth — at least , in theory they have access to more data that will enable them to determine what the truth of a matter is — through satellites , facsimiles , etc .
25 Or are you here to make some pretty excuse that will enable you to see him ?
26 Much more needs to be done , but I shall always endeavour to turn a sympathetic ear to changes that will enable us to serve our constituents more effectively .
27 Let's deal with them all in a little more detail that will enable us to recognize them and understand how to deal with them , beginning with the biters .
28 The fact that you are here in Wakefield is a stimulus — a challenge that will inspire us to fight you tooth and nail .
29 Here 's a quiz that will get you scratching your head — all the prizes for this competition relate to fleas !
30 I carry with me the tattered remnants of this psychic structure : there is no way of not working hard , nothing in the end but an endurance that will allow me to absorb everything by the way of difficulty , holding on to the grave .
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