Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [verb] [be] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Undertaken sensitively and carefully by an experienced operator in controlled circumstances , regression therapy should be a beneficial and restorative experience for the subject , enabling him to be rid of a serious problem that may have been troubling him for years and indeed possibly ruining his life .
2 He was ever anxious about the weather and , when he could think of nothing else to be anxious about , he became worried that he must have forgotten something important that should have been causing him worry .
3 So it 's , it is a , it 's a survival in that m , in in that respect , and ye is t , is merely , erm , an archaic version of the , and and would have been pronounced ye .
4 But , although the business generally had to be won at lower margins in the face of stiffer competition , our performance should have been very much better , and would have been had we responded more promptly to market fluctuations .
5 Before he does so , however , he has a vision of what his life should and would have been had he not voluntarily submitted himself to his final sacrifice .
6 Dunwoody had in the past won on Norton 's Coin and would have been riding him in the Gold Cup had Desert Orchid been absent .
7 The trouble is British Coal may already be contractually too far advanced ; what we can and will do is stop them extending the scheme , not by planning , but by policy making .
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