Example sentences of "[conj] [be] [vb pp] to [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Such mobility may carry the stigma of personal failure or a defective personality that are said to be the result of ‘ soiling one 's curriculum vitae' ( Nakane 1973 p.111 ) .
2 It was found that even from those sources of commercial information which give quantitative information , for example ICC and Business Monitors , it is the qualitative messages that are considered to be the most useful by the planners .
3 In talking about what is good in the Protestant way of life , even evangelical Protestants go beyond theology and begin to list things that are thought to be the results of the right religion .
4 and Eoanthropus or ‘ Piltdown Man , ’ the jaw of an orangutan and the skull of a modern human that were claimed to be the ‘ earliest Englishman ’ .
5 At the far end of Semer Water is a ruined building that is said to be the dwelling place of the charitable old couple .
6 This sense of the maverick is coupled with a talent for making complex , lyrical films which possess the depth and artistry that is thought to be the sole province of European and art house directors .
7 At the risk of oversimplifying , the new style of labour relations were designed to overcome a high turnover of skilled workers , intense industrial conflict and a lack of motivation and commitment that was said to be the cause of Japan 's reputation as a producer of shoddy goods .
8 At the tip of the gull 's bill is a red spot that was believed to be the signal to the chick to peck .
9 A FIVE million year-old piece of bone that was thought to be the collarbone of a humanlike creature is actually part of a dolphin rib , according to an anthropologist at the University of California-Berkeley .
10 The rational expectations hypothesis does not pose a threat to Keynesian theory in the way that was thought to be the case when it first entered into macroeconomics .
11 The most up-to-date figures present a less black picture than was thought to be the case at the time .
12 Mycotoxins are produced by certain fungi and are suspected to be the deadly ingredient in yellow rain .
13 They come from the space between the planets and are believed to be the remnants of matter that was used to form the Solar System .
14 These monsters are found only in New Jersey , USA , and are said to be the descendants of the illegitimate offspring of a woman named Mother Leeds .
15 Digital Equipment Corp yesterday unveiled the DECpc MTE line of two 80486-based personal computers , starting at $2,650 and $3,100 : they include a 32-bit EISA bus and VESA VL bus and are claimed to be the highest-performance 80486 machines available ; they are Pentium-upgradable and offers a PCMCIA peripheral card option for data sharing with portable computers having PCMCIA .
16 Floods in the southern provinces of Kompong Speu , Takeo , Kampot and Kandal which had begun in mid-August [ see p. 38390 ] and were said to be the worst in 50 years , left 100 people dead and washed away houses , roads , bridges and railway lines , and by Sept. 4 were threatening Phnom Penh .
17 His family woollen business was founded in 1541 and is believed to be the oldest family business of its kind in the world .
18 It will allow instant and easy access , on computer screens , to the financial reports and results of 4.5m companies in over 40 countries , and is believed to be the largest integrated online database of its kind .
19 The clay-puddled cutting itself was of single-break shape and is believed to be the earliest example of the type .
20 The project will therefore seek to identify the main implications of the trend towards the Regulatory State and is intended to be the first step towards a major research programme investigating the potentials and problems of regulation in practice across the whole spectrum of what we used to describe as the Welfare State .
21 Springfield Mill , east of the town centre , dates from the year of Trafalgar , and is said to be the earliest paper mill powered by steam , having a Boulton and Watt beam engine installed when it was opened for business .
22 The sundial on a cottage in North End was made in the 1840s and is said to be the largest in England with its twelve ft diameter .
23 ICL Plc aims to bridge the gap between personal computers and dumb terminals with its new network terminal , ErgoClient , for client-server computing , which acts as a half-way house and is claimed to be the only product capable of filling a gap in the market by combining the price-performance of a terminal with the flexibility of a personal computer .
24 It also offers users the option to trade up to HP 700/RX stations or to add X terminals to their networks , and is claimed to be the only industry programme to o so .
25 The grounds , 2000 acres of parkland , was designed by the famous Capability Brown which contains a large man-made lake crossed by the Grand Bridge designed by Vanbrugh and is reputed to be the finest bridge in Europe .
26 New Hall dates back to the 12th century and is reputed to be the oldest fully moated manor house in England .
27 It runs both Solaris 1.1 and 2.1 and is expected to be the first of a family of products .
28 It runs both Solaris 1.1 and 2.1 and is expected to be the first of a family of products .
29 The killing of the bird caused dismay to the RSPB because it was released in Scotland and is thought to be the first to have made its way to southern England from a release programme .
30 It is one of many forms of rheumatism and is thought to be the result of wear and tear on joint surfaces , particularly hips , knees and spine .
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