Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] they be [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We do n't know where the men had been or where they were going or whether they had been drinking or not .
2 In the past , it has been assumed that nurses have already developed these skills when leaving school , or that they are acquired whilst providing patient care .
3 Or if they were told that they could n't get so and so , that was it .
4 Two more doors now opened , and others emerged from their trailers , but Estabrook had no chance to either see who they were or whether they were armed because Chant again said :
5 There are three possibilities ; people can be lost through death ( which may be a high proportion in an elderly congregation located in a retirement area ) , transfer out ( high in an old community due for demolition , or where people move in search of employment or as they are relocated or promoted ) , or reversion ( may be high where the social pressure is hostile to the church , or where church morale is at a low ebb ) .
6 You ca n't away with er some bum figures like this one , it 's not good enough for the members to give , be given wrong information and I and I can tell you this we 'll be coming back again and then we would know and where they were getting where they were getting the seventeen homes
7 And where they were seen or heard , to be treated and reflected as a person first — and as a black person , an Asian person , a woman or someone with a disability second or not at all .
8 We will also be more prepared ( though by no means certain ) to comply with personal constraints under two conditions : that the constraints are seen as being in the service of some greater ‘ good ’ and that they are seen as operating justly and fairly .
9 It 's important that home owners are recognizing that there is an over- provision of residential care in the county , and that they are responding and diverting some of their resources , or discussing how they may well , er , divert some resources into home based er , packages of care .
10 These methods of payment are more likely to be accepted if they are requested right up front before you start to do business and if they are presented as being the only way you do business .
11 Rash speculations are to be encouraged , provided they are falsifiable and provided they are rejected when falsified .
12 We filled that and while they were eating that we kept the hay , hay , cut it through a rick , a big thin knife , you know , fill the remainder of the racks with the hay , so that by the time they 'd gone and finished that they 'd gone in to eat the hay , then we 'd got the yard free to litter it out , and to straw it on both sides , one would be on the , one down on the bottom to pull straw down into the yard , and that was .
13 And whether they 're coming or not , that city is going to hold out to starvation point and beyond , so long as it believes in a rescue . ’
14 Gorbachev declared that around 150 Soviet advisers remained in Iraq , but that they were leaving as their contracts came to an end .
15 And it had on painted hose of black and white , so cunningly painted that no man who saw them would have thought but that they were grieves and cuishes , unless he had laid his hand upon them ; and they put on it a surcoat of green sendal , having his arms blazoned thereon , and a helmet of parchment , which was cunningly painted that every one might have believed it to be iron ; and his shield was hung round his neck , and they placed the sword Tizona in his hand , and they raised his arm , and fastened it up so subtilly that it was a marvel to see how upright he held the sword .
16 Birds ' songs often sound varied and melodious to us , but if they are recorded and played back at slow speed , they are found to have vastly more detail than we realise .
17 I do n't mind if they 've been , but if they 're waiting or
18 but when I was eleven years old I did n't look at the sixth form and do jus just because they were doing something I wanted to do it , I might have admired them but if they were smoking that would n't make me want to smoke .
19 Yeah I know but if they were saying that he was , I do n't think he was .
20 In time ‘ yeoman ’ came to mean primarily a farmer who had raised himself out of the ruck of common husbandman , ‘ such as be exempted out of the rascalitie of the popular bee called and written yeomen , as in the degree next vnto gentlemen ’ ; and while careful to avoid making wealth appear the sole criterion , Smith adds that ‘ these tende their owne businesse , come not to meddle in publike matters and iudgements but when they are called and glad when they are deliuered thereof ’ .
21 Your personal belongings may be frugal and of little extrinsic value , but when they are lost or stolen , the cost of replacement can be surprisingly high and the distress caused may be considerable .
22 That is what annoys about it or fair enough if they have n't got any money they get these handouts but when they 're working and they still get them that 's when I think it 's wrong !
23 Individually the trusts were small , usually maintaining only about 20 miles of road , but as they were formed and linked , the basis for a coherent road network was being established .
24 And the though some were would actually go on the boats when after they were launched and finish the polishing you know .
25 I found a canvas bag in his wardrobe in which I laid the pages , handling them as though they were living and in pain .
26 The low lands were patched with hayfields at every stage of readiness , from bleached yellow to ferny green , and across the coloured surfaces people moved as though they were stitching and knitting at its texture , arms pulling on rakes , backs stooped under burdens on their way to the steadings .
27 I have to stare at it very hard , Miss Honey , very very hard , and then I can feel it all happening behind my eyes , and my eyes get hot just as though they were burning but I do n't mind that in the least , and Miss Honey …
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