Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] they [vb mod] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The length of the history in case 4 , who had been admitted to hospital with identical symptoms on three previous occasions suggests that either the polyps are extremely slow growing or that they may even regress .
2 That shared culture has gone , though its traces have persisted for a long time , at least among those unworldly older academics who assume that students of English will have read the whole of Shakespeare in the sixth form , or that they can readily identify classical or biblical references .
3 He gave them far more money than the business was worth or than they should ever have got their hands on .
4 Many of the children have no idea what 's happened to the rest of their families or whether they 'll ever see them again .
5 A person who is asked to take the test in circumstances such as these should pause and consider whether they are willing to do so , or whether they would instead prefer not to proceed with their life assurance or employment application .
6 This will show whether they produce a literal description , ( ‘ You lifted the teapot' ) or whether they can appropriately describe the action and its consequences non-literally ( ‘ You poured tea into the cup' ) .
7 He pointed out that although they would automatically have carried out such precautions , water would always be found in the deeper parts of the mine .
8 The world is littered with communities which believe that if they could only separate themselves from the world , they would escape the consequences of original sin .
9 Many people believe that if they can just get through the days , time will heal the wounds .
10 Many managers like to think that while they must inevitably bargain this can surely be without any real element of conflict .
11 But , more than that , his predilection for Neath players deprived the club of their own best talent so that when they would otherwise have been training for the league , instead they were training for the Five Nations Championship .
12 I understand that they got 36.5 per cent of the total shareholding in the end , but Purchase and Szell say that they 'll be unloading some of those and that they 'll probably end up with about 20 per cent .
13 Most people have absorbed the idea that there is some sort of accountability at the end of life and that they may well need to be preparing to ‘ meet their maker ’ .
14 Jenking said he thought they were on the Dean and that they would soon beat over it into deeper water .
15 In July , when Nationalists protested at the failure of the corporation to appoint Nationalists to committee chairs , the mayor pointed out that fifteen or sixteen years ago the Nationalists had said that they would refuse to take such chairs and that they would only take part in corporation affairs in order to disrupt them .
16 However , an elderly man assured the expedition of the tribe 's ‘ warmest attachment and that they would always give them every assistance in their power ; that they were poor but their hearts were good ’ .
17 We have just seen that banks have the power to create money through lending and that they will frequently have a commercial interest in so doing .
18 Any other taxpayers who have agreed with the Inland Revenue that an action is a test case and that they will also benefit from the decision against the Revenue , should also not be affected by any retrospective amendment .
19 A point worth making here is that patients need to understand from an early stage the meaning of diabetes , that they have diabetes now and that they will always have it .
20 Ca ca n't you just , ca n't Jim just brief his staff , but er as far as that 's concerned w he takes it that the Q S has asked him to do all the site measurement er and that they will then produce the certification
21 But this is to assume that humans have a natural capacity to recognise and reflect on their interests , and that they will only stand so much injustice .
22 English Heritage says , however , that since the publication of the strategy , they have had seventeen expressions of interest from local authorities and that they will only hand over in cases where they are sure that maintenance will be adequate and public access guaranteed : ‘ We will do everything we can to assist those authorities that need help by giving guidance and support — which could include pump-priming of posts …
23 We are all prone , especially when we are children , to assume that things have always been as we find them , and that they will never change .
24 In creating whole group dramas we should be aware of the need to ensure that every child feels they have a stake in what is happening and that they can genuinely influence outcomes .
25 There had been an almighty family row a fortnight before : Tristram had remarked that she was overworked and that they could easily afford a servant , and Harry had taken exception to the suggestion .
26 This should alert us to the fact that the canons are incomplete records , and that they could even overlook matters of royal concern , like Guntram 's foundation of the monastery of St Marcel .
27 The decline in inflation and the recovery of real incomes was read , quite naturally , as a sign that the emergency was over and that they could safely assert their ‘ rights ’ .
28 Excitable children can have a similar effect , and so they may also have to be shown how to behave towards a puppy .
29 They may go several years without a cable break on the winch launching , and so they will scarcely give the possibility any thought .
30 They are greedy for Humans , the sidh , and if they can once trap you with their music they will carry you down to the caves beneath the sea and steal one of your five senses and tear out your soul . ’
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