Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] he [adv] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 She began to feel that she was wasting her time and that he probably thought that she was mad .
2 Now , he does think that the one and the mind is present to every one of us , erm , but I also take it that erm he er thought that he himself , had been able to ascend to the one er four times in the course of his life and that he also thought that some of his students were of better contemplation than others and erm so he may also have thought as Plato did , that some people are more inclined towards philosophy than others .
3 Dexter knew it was tempting to ask Lancaster whether he was lying and that he really meant that he could n't face the idea of seeing his wife again , a wife he had murdered and left a bloody corpse on the floor downstairs only a few minutes before .
4 He did , and when he eventually learned that the child 's mother had committed suicide and that out of compassion the rag woman had taken her into her house to save her being put in the workhouse or farmed out , again they both agreed that the rag woman had worthy motives .
5 We learn that he has not only killed his brother-in-law for opposing the Iranian government but that he unrepentantly believes that ‘ war is the source of love and hope and satisfaction . ’
6 Henry Vizetelly remarks ( A History of Champagne , 1887 ) that the soil of Aÿ ‘ lends a flavour of peaches ’ , but as he also records that an anonymous document , entitled ‘ Mémoire sur la Manière de cultiver la Vigne et de fair le Vin en Champagne ’ , dated 1718 , reveals that the secret of Dom Pérignon was to add four or five stoned peaches to a piece of wine , the source of such an exotic flavour must be questioned .
7 It is an area where a woman may gain control over a man , for while he gaily assumes that the present is spontaneous , and the future an open book , she is quietly mapping out the course of future events and by the time he wakes up to this fact it is too late to do much about it .
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