Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] you [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These are all responses which were highly suitable in prehistoric times when events required either that you ran away as fast as you could or that you had a surge of energy to help you fight your way out of a difficult situation as ferociously as possible ( fight or flight behaviour ) .
2 You understand that it is a condition of us accepting your booking that you take out for yourself and for those for whom you book our recommended holiday insurance ( details on page 15 ) , or that you arrange a policy yourself giving comparable or better cover under all sections .
3 Or suppose , again , that your neighbour has agreed with you that he will not open a public house or carry on a school of music next door , and does and threatens to continue doing one or the other ; or that you have a right to light for your windows , and he threatens to erect a building within three feet of them .
4 In many European languages if you change a pronoun , the endings of the verb must also change ( a. below ) , or if you change a noun to a noun of a different gender , you will have to change the article and suffix in the noun phrase ( b. below ) .
5 Or if you had a person that was just half time maybe doing it .
6 For example , you could use some locally made fabric as a background , or if you spent a lot of time of the beach , you could press some seaweed and later incorporate it into the picture .
7 country or if you gain a qualification erm in er in another European country you can use it in any other one of the E C twelve .
8 So if you hide something in a book you could say ‘ If you read you 'll find me ’ or if you hide a clue under a towel you could say ‘ You will find me when it 's time to dry yourself ’ .
9 It was rash to complain of anything there : ‘ the slightest — you know , when my throat 's dry , you 'd get dosed with blackberry syrup , or if you felt a bit hot then you 'd get dosed with ground ivy tea .
10 If you suffered an injury — like a slipped disc , a dislocated knee — or if you needed a hip replacement or maybe something even more serious , you 'd naturally want to go into hospital without a long delay .
11 So the trade lock for this extra transcription is if you do more than , or if you do a lot , erm do the same introduction , but your essay , the body of your essay , erm , can be very short , the body of your essay , erm , about one paragraph only , you 're just going to need to do something quite short , and your conclusion on the insights is what , is what is going to be important .
12 Some sort of multi-compartment box is required , or if you have a lot of components to store it may be necessary to have several of these boxes .
13 Or if you have a number of outstanding debts , such as credit card charges and hire purchase deals , a remortgage can pay them all off at a much lower rate of interest to help you reduce your outgoings .
14 If your living with your in-laws and you 're having a baby and you want a house or if you have a baby and then you have another baby and you 're still living with your in-laws housing need has n't changed it just grows .
15 Building societies will , generally , be sympathetic if you ask to suspend your mortgage payments for a fixed period because you have been made redundant or because you have a crisis .
16 ‘ The problem is that once you make a mistake in deciding the child needs testing it can set up a chain of events that can lead to severe problems for the child , ’ he says .
17 Section 15 of the 1968 Theft Act says that if you issue a cheque when you know you have no money in your bank you are committing a criminal offence .
18 ‘ In ancient times , my ancestors believed that if you told a lie while putting your hand into the mouth , it would bite off the hand . ’
19 That proposition presupposes that if you make a reduction in the district figures , then you must have an idea what the district contribution towards the Greater York figure is , er and I find it difficult to see that you can have , if you have a new settlement , if you have a new settlement the C provision for the new settlement floating in this table , erm but can I just say before we adjourn for coffee , that I really would like to have some very firm answers to the questions which are posed under issue two , er and particularly about two D and that is specific guidance on the location of the new settlement .
20 Now the effect is that if you make a decision from London , if you impose a decision from London , the people you impose that decision on are very very demoralised .
21 Remember that if you hire a builder with a large stetson hat and a six shooter you might very easily reach a situation where , ‘ The house ai n't big enough for both of you . ’
22 So , in the process of er change we , we provided the basic means for cutting , lifting and pulling er on every fire engine , a little amount of , of equipment , so that if you had a road traffic accident you did n't , the machine that was there , now that was a great step forward .
23 ‘ I think that if you had a word with him , Father … ’
24 In union negotiations , for example , I always found that if you had a heart to heart with the opposition , the single leader , you could probably gain something .
25 I 'll be telling most some of the tales about that time , and then the other tales will be about what happened to me in sixty nine when I started up , because the changing legislation s more or less said that if you had a vehicle of thirty hundredweight or less you could move an er wh whoever 's furniture you liked anywhere you wanted to .
26 I was reading in a book the other day that if you get a bicarbonate of sodas , that 's baking soda .
27 My parents went absolutely nuts because all my family are coal miners — my grandfathers , my uncles — and the idea was that if you got a chance you did n't go down the pit , but I wanted to .
28 This curious misuse of language means that if you book a spot at anything less than the top rate , some time in advance , the station can re-sell it , at a higher rate , to anyone who wants it , at any time before the cancellation date .
29 The figures also suggest that if you hold a qualification , you are half as likely to be unemployed as someone who has none . ’
30 Bear in mind that if you deploy a Pump Wagon right in front of one of your Orc or Goblin units there is a good chance it will get in the way of their advance — the average Pump Wagon move is 7″ while a march move for Orcs or Goblins is 8″ .
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