Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] i [verb] [adv] i " in BNC.

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1 I dreamed last night that I sat by a fire with Grandmother & my brother & when I woke up I still felt my brother 's hand .
2 bit here and I thought god that so I thought right I 'm gon na change places in that seat but your father 's sitting on , alright , I said go in that back seat , just behind us there were there or I said or I 'm just coming to sit where you are , I said I ca n't do four hours sitting like this , I mean I 'd have been boss eyed before I got , well I was I , I , all say look at that cloud
3 on the grounds that until I knew where I 'd got
4 When visiting a foreign country , for example , I may feel that I have reason to obey its laws on the ground that if I do not I may bring the reputation of my university into disrepute .
5 I know that when I get out I 'll make something of myself this time . ’
6 I always eat well at university at lunch time , including a pudding , because I know that when I get home I will have to eat minute quantities .
7 ‘ I read so much at work that when I get home I just want to watch Jeremy Beadle ! ’
8 So that when I get home I can say that 1 did it . ’
9 I surveyed the scene around me and vowed that when I grew up I would marry a rich man who would carry me away from all this noise and squalor .
10 This was supposed to be a ‘ sensitive ’ job and if I came out I would automatically be adjudged a danger to the patients and given the elbow .
11 Erm I do n't know if I gave you , and if I did n't I need to , the things that I 've called recordings logs , that are different than meeting logs .
12 And if I mind right I think it was some kind of relational that used to e in the bank , that was a teacher there .
13 Yeah I Actually I 'd better put these in the draw cos if I do n't I can see someone else helping themselves .
14 And before I go on I must set one thing straight .
15 I rushed out without any money , and before I go home I must go and inform Mr Felton 's people where he is .
16 We had rather a lot to drink , and before I knew where I was I found myself being hustled into a broom closet by three men .
17 Well , maybe ‘ blossom ’ is an exaggeration , but I told Gillian one or two of Oliver 's jokes , and we talked about being apprehensive over coming to the group , and then it emerged that she was half-French , and I had something to say about that , and the estate agent tried to bring in Germany but we were n't having any of it , and before I knew where I was I had half-turned my shoulder to exclude the other chap and was saying , ‘ Look , I know you 've only more or less just arrived , but you would n't like a spot of supper would you ?
18 But her back was out of reach behind her head , and before I knew where I was , I was saying ‘ Hello ’ and holding out my hand .
19 Yeah , I said I 'd have a go and before I knew where I was I got got top billing .
20 I got into Edinburgh and before I came up I took a year off and worked and travelled .
21 It 's long hours and when I get in I 've seen enough shoes to last me a life-time . ’
22 There was a scraping , rattling sound and when I looked down I saw bones .
23 And when I got through I knew immediately by the tone of her voice that she was , there was something wrong .
24 If I could n't produce a marriage date , and Nigel could n't officially be registered dead without it , perhaps he was n't , because legally he could n't be , and when I got home I 'd find …
25 It 's this really creepy area , a dead-end road in a red-light district , and when I got there I discovered I did n't have my key and he was n't in , so I was locked out .
26 I jogged , sprinted towards my inanimate friend and when I got there I was so relieved I wanted to cry .
27 And when I got there I stayed there , it was the safest place to be .
28 I was some way behind , it was misty , and when I got there I could n't see him .
29 And when I got back I had ants in my pants ,
30 I do n't know ; they held me down and when I woke up I was in the back of a car on my way home .
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