Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] it [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is not clear if the Government 's tactics over the last few days are typical of the muddle that has beset it in recent months or if it is deliberately designed to throw its opponents into confusion .
2 Er , I went on to say throughout the ages the government has repealed legislation , there 's nothing new about repealing legislation it is repealed either because it is proved unworkable or because it 's simply outlived its shelf life .
3 ( 3 ) When looking at clauses which require compliance with time limits ( eg a time limit for notifying a warranty claim after a defect is discovered in goods supplied under the contract ) the question to ask is whether the time limit has been imposed from a genuine need to protect the other party 's position , or whether it is there to make it difficult , or practically impossible , for the other party to exercise its rights under the clause .
4 Erm , it does n't matter what I propose , whether it actually makes out things that they 've been talking about or whether it 's completely found something to criticise about it .
5 It is not known if at this stage Sugar was earmarked for preservation , or whether it was simply put into storage along with hundreds of other Lancasters to await their fate .
6 The key question here — and it is not easy to answer — is whether Edinburgh , by employing Women in the period from the 1870s to the 1900s , was attracting more work than it otherwise would have from London and other publishers ; or whether it was merely managing to prevent the work leaving Edinburgh altogether for cheaper printing centres .
7 ‘ Mr. Gould the author of the Birds of Europe is about leaving this country for New Holland , or as it is now called Australia .
8 Nevertheless , in the course of the twentieth century , following the experience of various forms of dictatorship , some of which have developed from socialist revolutions , this distinction has been overlaid by another , between ‘ totalitarianism ’ and ‘ democracy ’ , or as it is sometimes expressed , between one-party and multi-party systems .
9 James inaugurated the modern or as it is sometimes called , the ‘ modernist ’ novel in England , a kind of fiction which , in pursuit of a more faithful representation of reality , attenuated or eliminated altogether the authorial narrator .
10 The largest of these was the Forum of Trajan but the oldest is the Forum Romanum , or as it is often called , simply ‘ the Forum ’ .
11 This kind of chauvinism is , of course , perfectly normal coming from sections of today 's Conservative Party , except that it is normally directed at the ‘ Anti-British Broadcasting Corporation ’ .
12 In Grace Abounding nothing is said about his life as a soldier except that it was once preserved by the mercy of God when another man took his place as sentinel during a siege and was killed by a musket bullet .
13 The point being made is that although it is ultimately envisaged that the EC will be similar to the USA with each member country being akin to a state and it even being billed as the ‘ United States of Europe ’ , is it a reality when one considers differences in attitude , culture , language and even religion ?
14 Although if it 's still raining the ditch wo n't be too comfortable .
15 This combination of characters in Sivapithecus indicates that if it is indeed related to the orang-utan , characters like the straight shaft and convex deltoid plane that are present in the extant great apes must have arisen independently in the orang-utan and the African apes .
16 The company has not attempted to sell its products abroad , but feels that if it is ever to expand again , then overseas markets are the only feasible method .
17 ) In April 1190 Mozart was hoping for another court appointment under the new emperor , Leopold II , and he implored Puchberg to keep his financial disarray a secret , believing that if it were publicly known it would damage his chances of success .
18 maybe some joint reports with other colleagues in education , to look at some innovative work , erm , that if it was specifically ring fenced government grant , we can actually get our teeth into , that would provide a cost saving for governments in the future .
19 ( Incidentally , I suspect the risks of abuse would be considerably less if the ‘ pay ’ were fought for and won by a united feminist campaign on the grounds that housewives work and deserve money for that reason , than if it were graciously granted by government in a mood of pronatalist , pro-family , antifeminist zeal to cut the costs of the social services . )
20 Not entirely that because it is also to do with the mechanism by which government grant is distributed .
21 Do n't think that because it 's actually ringing that it 's somebody ringing , or whatever .
22 Except when it is actually feeding ( it eats bacteria ) , the paramoecium is in constant motion , frequently bumping into obstacles in its path and , when it does so , reversing by switching the beat of the cilia on one side .
23 Both will fire more when an edge is placed slightly off-centre than when it is symmetrically placed , an on-centre cell when there is more light than dark edge in the field , and the off-centre cell when the conditions are reversed .
24 The discovery of a bird when and where it was least expected can be a magical experience .
25 I think it 's vital that any animal we hold in captivity , wild or otherwise is looked after properly and that it 's well done and for that you need help and guidance and you also need minimum standards to ensure it 's done well .
26 I consider that I B M strives to be a good employer and that it 's long established belief in respect for the individual has shaped our personal policies to reflect these needs within our community , and for example , our equal opportunity principles prevent us from considering race , colour or sex , when offering someone employment or promotion .
27 My friend says I should not have been taking this drug during my pregnancy and that it is well known that it can cause these problems .
28 My friend says I should not have been taking this drug during my pregnancy and that it is well known that it can cause these problems .
29 It may be argued that because the affective domain deals with qualitative differences it can not be planned for in the same systematic way that is applied to knowledge , and that it is best dealt with by providing suitable models , and by discussion when problems and student needs arise .
30 However , where more than one person ( eg a merchant bank and a stockbroker ) agrees to act as the agent of a party to the takeover and his associates for the purpose of making disclosure , particular care must be taken to ensure that the responsibility for disclosure is agreed between the parties and that it is neither overlooked nor duplicated .
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