Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] a [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 Everything seemed to be taken care of and everybody was on a real high because it left you free to do what you wanted to do without worrying about paying this week 's rent or buying a pair of shoes , or whether a valve in the amplifier had gone and you had to replace it .
2 It could be argued that if a reduction in the number of 18-year-old girls leaving school is the source of the problem , then increase the proportion of leavers coming into nursing and all will be well .
3 The results are consistent with the presence of an abnormality in terminal ileal function in patients with cystic fibrosis who do not have liver disease and that a defect in the ileal absorption of bile acids may be a contributory factor to excessive faecal bile acid loss .
4 Assuming L and R lesions occur with equal frequency , and that a lesion in the speech hemisphere will always produce aphasia , the EUL will always be 50 per cent .
5 Although the economy was growing at around 2 per cent per annum , and although a fall in the value of the krone had brought the country 's trade balance back into surplus , its industries continued to suffer a severe crisis of confidence .
6 Its aim is to see whether safeguards such as standards for prison conditions , independent inspectorates , and independent tribunals in internal disciplinary hearings , make any difference to the ‘ quality of life ’ of inmates or to the good running of the prisons , and whether a failure in the effectiveness of any one safeguard has any consequences for the effectiveness of others .
7 Leicester United Athletic Club are producing but once a year in the si , in the club 's theatre , here are two scenes .
8 This is quite important because when a child in the third form the kids are making up their mind whether to do science or not .
9 They recognized ambiguity , in cases where , for example , a pronoun might have one of two referents ; they recognized syntactical mistakes , as when a character in the story not previously mentioned was introduced as ‘ the passerby ’ , when the indefinite article would have been appropriate ; they quickly spotted mistakes in tense .
10 It was as though a chapter in the conversation had finished .
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