Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] of the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The first question which should be asked on this subject is why use microcomputers Is the starting point for the selection of software either ( a ) because in this technological era everyone should know about microcomputers or ( b ) for sound learning aims and objectives ? i.e. do school librarians and teachers start from the skills and processes or because of the existence of software ?
2 This work surprisingly shows that leisure time actually diminishes as productive technology advances ; whether this is because of population increases or because of the rise of an exploitative class is not clear .
3 I would therefore advise against taking any kind of drugs , not just because it is unsporting , or because of the threat of severe penalties on discovery , but also because of the adverse effects any drug regime has on the mind and body .
4 In their wisdom ( or because of the lack of it ) they appointed me as working group chairman .
5 They had n't negotiated any furniture to get to the far side of the room and sit against the opposite wall and she had the impression , either because of that or because of the resonance of voices , that the room was empty .
6 They have conned those elderly people who now have the dreadful prospect of losing their homes in their 60s and 70s because of that or because of the weakness of financial regulation .
7 Increased fasting gall bladder volume during octreotide might be a result of decreased gall bladder muscle tone or because of the absence of interdigestive gall bladder contraction , which takes place in the fasting state , in close association with the intestinal migrating motor complex .
8 They may be at risk because of identifiable genetic disorders which are known to be present , or because of the age of the mother .
9 It is vital that all external constraints are known at this stage , otherwise all the short-listed options may be for bridges when , for environmental reasons or because of the proximity of an airport , only a tunnel is possible .
10 On 1 June , Thorneycroft warned that because of the possibility of an Autumn election , Heath had asked for interim reports by the end of the month .
11 Demonstrating from a wide range of examples how appropriate costing presentations should be made , he argues that because of the complexity of child care needs and services , costs information is needed , but that because this information can have a significant influence on policy and practice it must be ‘ sensibly defined and appropriately measured ’ .
12 The workshop report also noted that because of the abundance of ‘ … stocks of fish and other prey are subject to considerable fluctuations … [ a ] comparison of fishery yields or stock levels before and after a seal cull would almost certainly not provide a reliable indication of its effect . ’
13 One clear difference between human and dolphin perception is that because of the ability of sound waves to penetrate objects , the dolphin can listen and ‘ see ’ through things .
14 It is certainly true to say , however , that because of the availability of contraception and abortion they are less oppressed by childbearing than they used to be .
15 Over the past couple of years , Waverley Borough Council have been considering a number of plans to redevelop the area and it was recently decided that because of the state of the building it should be demolished .
16 The internal rates of inflation of the different states are far greater than we think , but there is no way of measuring that because of the existence of a single currency .
17 She would not go out , though she occasionally made a martyr of herself by pointing out that because of the price of baby-sitting , she could not afford to go out : this was as far as she went towards self-pity .
18 He says that because of the type of illness it was the best sort of transplant .
19 The second component of the managerialist thesis holds that because of the weakness of ownership control managers are able to , and do , engage in forms of behaviour that fail to maximise shareholder wealth and which are inefficient from the point of view of society as a whole .
20 After lengthy discussions at the highest level it was decided that because of the confidentiality of the information , and since most of the authorization procedures were already within the personnel function , the responsibility for the new system should be vested within Personnel .
21 Mr. Levy 's submission was that because of the decisions of the House of Lords in A. v. Liverpool City Council [ 1982 ] A.C. 363 ; In re W. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Jurisdiction ) [ 1985 ] A.C. 791 and In re M. and H. ( Minors ) ( Local Authority : Parental Rights ) [ 1990 ] 1 A.C. 686 the court should approach the exercise of its discretion in the case where ( as here ) the child is in the care of a local authority on the basis that , Parliament having entrusted the care of the child to the local authority , the court should not interfere with the local authority 's care of the child save in the most exceptional circumstances .
22 Government has said that now ‘ the case for the English Tourist Board is less clear ’ and that because of the maturity of the tourism industry in England , Government assistance is no longer justified .
23 It is clear that because of the role of the context in all aspects of utterance interpretation , a speaker who intends her utterance to be taken in a particular way must expect it to be interpreted in a context that yields that interpretation .
24 I 'm simply saying that because of the nature of our interest in guitars and playing , that 's the way it is .
25 I do understand that because of the nature of your current employment your C.V .
26 The main problem with this theory is that because of the nature of judicial review for illegality it would , in many cases , be extremely difficult , if not theoretically impossible , for a plaintiff to prove a causal link between the illegal action and the loss suffered .
27 It will argue that because of the nature of primary school teachers ' role they have quite specific training requirements and that the current climate of change may well be catalytic .
28 Commenting on the upheaval , store manageress and pharmacist Paula Morgan said : ‘ Although the bomb completely devastated our premises we felt that because of the nature of our business we had a loyalty to our customers to continue trading .
29 I take it that because of the deletion of clause 54(4) that is not now caught .
30 As to the conflict between consultants ' ethical and contractual obligations , it is surely the case that because of the vulnerability of patients , and to maintain patients ' trust , doctors must always put ethical considerations first .
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