Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] i [verb] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or that I 've got a vagina .
2 I thought I 'd either holed my shot or that I had missed the green as well . ’
3 If their full bellies make me fail to recognise my communality with a woman of colour whose children who do not eat , because she ca n't find work ; or a woman who has no children because her insides are rotten from home abortions and sterilisation ; or if I fail to recognise the lesbian who chooses not to have children , or the woman who remains closeted because her homophobic community is her only life support ; the woman who chooses silence instead of another death ; the woman who is terrified lest any anger triggers the explosion of hers ; if I fail to recognise these women as other faces of myself , then I am contributing to each of their oppressions , but also to my own .
4 I am still not clear whether my confidence was the product of my faith or whether I had generated a blind optimism to prevent the facts from crushing me .
5 When , towards the end , he said , ‘ I am convinced that where I have failed no one could have succeeded , ’ this appeared not a boast , but an understatement .
6 More than once I have seen a hapless opponent reaching down to scoop a front kick that never comes , and getting caught on the undefended side of the head !
7 Or ‘ I had a binge last night and I 've no excuse , except that I 've got a terrible hangover this morning and I 'll try again tomorrow . ’
8 You are hurt , I know , and unable to believe in any man 's decency , but try to believe that whatever happened to you I still love you ; you have not changed for me , it makes no difference , no difference whatsoever — except that I want to kill the man who hurt you . ’
9 " I really have n't any particular interest in the sale , except that I want to do the best that I can for this retired artist , Sam Mills , " he said .
10 Other than that I wish to make no claims upon you . ’
11 I suspect that if I had to find an alternative to what we 've already proposed and what we 've constantly supported , I would actually go right back to the , I would actually go right back to the beginning erm because it would be cleaner and it would be clearer .
12 This remark , occurring as it does in a passage in which he is distinguishing between the grounds of the class metal ( ‘ the possession of certain common peculiarities ’ ) and those of the class sensation of white ( ‘ nothing but resemblance ’ ) clearly implies that if I had had no other sensations of white I could not assert the proposition ‘ This is a sensation of white ’ with the meaning it has when I have had such sensations .
13 The Reds were well on top and I am sure that if I had lasted the game I would have given the selectors something to think about .
14 ‘ I 'm sure the manager knows that if I keep playing the way I am then he 's either going to have to let me go or put me in . ’
15 ‘ I 'm sure the manager knows that if I keep playing the way I am then he 's either going to have to let me go or put me in . ’
16 They know that if I do bring a new democratic freedom to my country then it 'll mean the confiscation of those fortunes .
17 I 'm essentially a social historian , although I sometimes think that if I wanted to find the right adjective , and I 've never been too much worried about adjectives , I would say I 'm really a cultural historian .
18 I ca n't confirm that but I do remember the one occasion that he missed his target .
19 Do I , she asked herself , imagine that because I have lost a man I am in the same category as spotty Betty ?
20 But things started to change when a friend mentioned that since I had lost a little weight whilst being away on a beach holiday with my boyfriend ( not deliberately , just through not eating much in the heat of Spain ) several people had said how I looked better .
21 Now I have to say that since I 've seen a report from the Students ' Union and have read it through , I was actually shocked at the level of harassment that that report seemed to indicate .
22 ‘ I 'll believe that when I 've seen the boat 's log , ’ said Neil drily , ‘ and only then after it 's been checked by an expert .
23 That means that when I 've made a spelling mistake you can say to me , ‘ You 've spelt that wrong ’ , but not , ‘ You 're stupid , you ca n't spell . ’
24 I want to be taken seriously , which makes it galling that when I 've got a brain , certain types of men try to treat me like some empty-headed bimbo who … ’
25 ‘ I said that when I 'd finished the Shaw book , I 'd disintegrate , ’ he told me .
26 On a personal note , may I say that when I want to hear the Fourth Symphony for pleasure , which is relatively speaking often , I turn not to Munch or Dutoit but to an old tape I have from 1954 of the much underrated Albert Wolff conducting the Swedish Radio Orchestra .
27 Crawled until I could see the arrow only because it was pale against the bark , and knew I was already further away than when I 'd taken the last bearing .
28 I said , more 's the pity and that I had seen the term both in the Petit Larousse Moderne and the Figaro Littéraire .
29 After nine months of tests , I was told that there was ‘ probably ’ nothing wrong with my kidneys and that I had had a bladder infection .
30 She was delighted that the coffee was real and that I had used a glass jug on a silver stand , where a nightlight kept it steaming .
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