Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] it [vb past] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Did that exhibition suggest to you that Pop Art was a thrusting and lively activity with a relevance in contemporary art , or that it had become a comfortable and nostalgic moment in art history ?
2 Taking equation ( 4.29 ) to represent the economist 's model , it is easy to see that he would recommend to a government that if it wished to achieve a higher level of real output it should raise the rate of growth of the quantity of money .
3 Midland also admitted failing to supervise the fund managers to prevent them concentrating their stock holdings too narrowly and that it failed to maintain a register of the holders of six of the trusts or the amount of their holdings .
4 Although Lee stated that he did not intend to stand as a candidate in the presidential elections , the new party announced that it would contest the election and that it planned to choose a candidate by the end of October .
5 It was greatly feared , in fact , that the structure of employment was such that it supplied the rising generation with little discipline and even less skill , and that it threatened to produce an endless tide of loafers , unemployables and ne'er-do-wells who had been thrown on to the scrap heap in their late teens or early twenties .
6 If WEU had a role , it was to ensure the closest possible cooperation within NATO , and although it did play a limited role in the Saar settlement , it remained essentially a paper organisation .
7 But do n't worry too much about the massive effect of these clouds over Arizona ; these are local and temporary , produced while the cloud was compact and before it spread to produce a much smaller effect over a much bigger area .
8 But if it troubled to open a history book or to read some political analysis it would see that the thing most needed by a government under pressure at home is an enemy without .
9 all the satellites hanging down it was very good the way it had all been done in , in that respect but what I found was the first bit was very boring , I found but when it got going a bit it was better but the whole moral of the story was that nowhere is perfect to live but it 's hard for y young children like this
10 Ally Pally 's pre-restoration days undoubtedly had associations of tatty romance — they lay in the contrast between the Cecil B. De Mille bravura of the original concept and such visible signs of its decline , as if it had become a Victorian actor/manager unable to gesticulate because of rheumatism .
11 It looks as though it stopped work a decade ago .
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