Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] it [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It would not be clear whether the child 's low performance was associated with poor linguistic ability in relation to British children , or whether it simply reflected the different experiences available to children in Britain and the USA .
2 This period of Eliot 's development is often seen as one of increasing narrowing , so that it is useful to emphasize that while it certainly represents a concentration of energy on Christian themes , it also represents a continuing openness to other elements and a drawing on resources whose foundations were laid in Eliot 's studies at Harvard .
3 They claimed that the ruling nullified the government 's argument that it had no liability for the death of the Palestinian because it was an act of war , and that it effectively restored the government 's response to the intifada to the status of a police operation .
4 This last point implies that psychoanalysis , as such , is not concerned with the truth or falsity of religious beliefs , and that it rather counteracts the earlier arguments about religious beliefs being neither justified by sense experience nor rational arguments .
5 Does my hon. Friend agree that it is worth pointing out to young children that in 1950 it took a man on average industrial wages a week to earn enough to buy his Christmas turkey and that it now takes a person in a similar position just 90 minutes to do so ?
6 On Oct. 1 , the head of the sixth IAEA inspection team , David Kay , said in Bahrain that Iraq would have developed a nuclear weapon within 18 months had the Gulf war not intervened , and that it still possessed the technology to manufacture a nuclear weapon within five years .
7 Erm , I mean I think if we 're wishing to analyse the application , I I think we must consider what it does n't do for the village , and I think there are a number of aspects that have to be considered , erm , first of all as a village , and I 've heard in this very Parish Council that the reputed view made that there is a need for small village accommodation , this development certainly does not provide that , we 've also expressed a view that it would be nice to retain the existing bungalow , because that is small village accommodation , and although it only has a very limited history , again it would be nice to retain it as an integral part of the village .
8 However , the XE is not well supported by software houses , and although it still has a lot of games , most of these are very old .
9 If the quality of the counselling relationship is good it should prove more than enough to handle the outcome , and if it then assists the individual towards a resolution of emotional troubles , the short-term distress has been worthwhile .
10 The earlier test will be considered here for reasons of comparison and because it still provides the basis of the remoteness test in some other torts .
11 Piping hot water is always available whenever you need it , and because it only heats the water you use , it 's a great energy saver .
12 This attitude is one of the things that has given non-verbal communication such a bad name and since it already has a somewhat shaky reputation due to the fact that it has no powerful theory associated with it , its academic credibility suffers in comparison to that of formal linguistics .
13 MI5 will remain as unaccountable as it always has been and since it blatantly ignored the 1952 directive for over three decades without once being publicly called to account there is no reason to believe that MI5 will be any more law-abiding now .
14 It was still bright , highly professional and while it still had a very little life , Kenneth Williams was its king .
15 We 've already designated Spectra or Dyneema line for your stunter and for the good reason that this material is not only lightest for its strength , but that it also has the property of sliding on itself even with as many as fifteen twists between flyer and kite .
16 The ‘ broad approach ’ was that the rule in O'Reilly v. Mackman did not apply generally against bringing actions to vindicate private rights in all circumstances in which those actions involved a challenge to a public law act or decision , but that it merely required the aggrieved person to proceed by judicial review only when private law rights were not at stake .
17 But although it only takes a few minutes , life without thick glasses has a cost .
18 A fall in oil prices lowers all energy prices and encourages economic growth but if it also re-establishes the dependence which made the two oil shocks so effective in curtailing growth , then nothing useful has been achieved .
19 But because it already occupied the existing space for electoral politics , the layer of educated and professional younger community leaders who might have become involved in politics was atomised .
20 In fact , Easy Rider was rather slow to catch on but when it finally caught the attention of the counter-culture , even the establishment newspapers and magazines began to offer up praise .
21 This is officially the last of the Zodiacal constellations , though since it now contains the Vernal Equinox it really ought to be the first .
22 And it dawned upon him suddenly how right Hugh had been in saying that he , Cadfael , spoke by instinct of this hollow reliquary , as good as empty , as though it truly contained the wonder whose name it bore .
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