Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] it [vb -s] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , there is nothing to suggest that using two languages detracts from either one of them or that it produces continued interference .
2 The rule in Adam v Ward offers consolation to victims of attacks made under the " coward 's cloak " of Parliamentary privilege : they may reply in kind , through newspapers which will only be liable for the defamatory content of their reply if it is irrelevant to the subject-matter of the attack , or if it defames other persons who bear no responsibility for the attack .
3 Severe actions may be sanctioned against Ireland because it is naturally cursed , or because it needs extreme measures to bring it the fruits of reformation ( desired by God ) , or because it holds some particular horror for England which the English will deserve unless they do something about it .
4 One is whether a form is morphologically basic , or whether it needs extra material added by way of an additional rule .
5 Remorseful Prober is like Naive Prober , except that it takes active steps to break out of runs of alternating recrimination .
6 The main feature of the bureaucratic-technical class is that although it lacks effective control over the means of production its members do have control over the labour of others in their subordinate position in bureaucratic structures .
7 Supporters say that although it provides vital support for millions , Oxfam has hardly any effect on the real causes of poverty and illness .
8 Iceland says that when it resumes commercial whaling , as it intends to do , it will withdraw its objections to the cull grenade ban .
9 The news and feature material is heavily locally oriented , little in the way of national news except as it affects local area .
10 Make sure your contract is in writing and that it gives full details of prices , cancellation rights , guarantees — how long they last and when the work will be finished .
11 Another indicator for the future of the book is a growing commitment across all age groups to lifelong self-improvement and a recognition in influential groups such as government and the media that the role of the book is not purely commercial , and that it conveys other advantages to society and must be regarded accordingly .
12 The UK government 's strategy for reducing carbon emissions has been attacked by environmentalists , who argue that it places too much reliance on voluntary action by industry and the presumed effect of market forces , and that it pays scant attention to the need for research into energy efficiency .
13 We have also made it absolutely clear that we will ensure that our deterrent is effective and absolutely credible , and that it puts real fear into any potential aggressor about the damage that he could suffer if he were to attack this country .
14 We are satisfied it will be a valuable asset for the immediate area and that it has considerable support from the community . ’
15 The terms should also make it clear that the committee has the power to investigate matters within its brief and that it has full access to information .
16 He says that that it shows a revival of gothicism which coincided with the development of the new classicism , and that it has clear connections with the work of Nanni di Banco and Ghiberti .
17 It is argued that the Lords provides an important opportunity for more careful consideration of legislation that has been steamrollered through the Commons , and that it provides high-class debates .
18 Bill has plenty more photographs and stories about his walk and if it proves popular hopes to bring out a hardback guidebook .
19 This is interesting both because it suggests that non-Hebbian forms of potentiation occur in the hippocampus , and because it provides implicit evidence for the existence of a diffusible extracellular messenger ( see text ) .
20 And because it has open server in front of it from the client 's side it looks like a server , so any of those two hundred clients or any of front end tools can have access to the email system as if it was a resource or server .
21 And while it supports common languages well , its compilers lack the maturity of Unix compilers .
22 In determining whether the offer of alternative work is suitable , the tribunal takes into account factors such as status , skills required , pay , hours of work and whether it involves additional travelling time and/or expense or perhaps a need to move house .
23 Planning Permission depends on the size of the work and whether it affects other priorities .
24 There is a danger , if this is done , that it may be forgotten that pottery is not only a fascinating subject in its own right , but that it offers vital dating evidence for the chronology of the site , and the key sherds must appear in the body of the main report , with similar critical evidence .
25 Aristotle said something very interesting in that extract from the Politics which I quoted earlier ; he said that women have a deliberative faculty but that it lacks full authority .
26 But if it involves simple images , there 's no need to buy the most complicated package .
27 ‘ I accept the recommendation that the licences should not be revoked , but if it becomes public knowledge that the tools are to be used to make munitions , deliveries would have to stop at once .
28 But if it makes easy sense when we learn that after the ground clearing achieved in the early publications Joyce sets to work on an enormous new fictional venture , guesses about new preoccupations and the leaving behind of old collapse in face of the reality of Ulysses , for in it we read , among a thousand turnings and an wanderings , of a single day , the sixteenth of June nineteen hundred and four , in Dublin , and how two characters , separately and together , live out that day among the welter of their acquaintance , their needs and deeds and thoughts , their places of refuge and of risk , and if one of these two , Leopold Bloom , is new , the other is Stephen Daedalus , and Dublin is everywhere in the novel , almost to the point where everywhere is Dublin .
29 Literature is based on ‘ the very plurality of meanings ’ ( 1966 : 50 ) ; or , put in a slightly different way which nicely reverses an old critical saw , ‘ a work is ‘ eternal ’ , not because it imposes one meaning on different men , but because it suggests different meanings to one man' ( p.51 ) .
30 Cunnilingus is a marginal case but since it involves genital contact and may involve a form of penetration , there is a case for placing it within the more serious category .
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